Category: Editorial

Health and Safety Advisory Council (HSAC) is a very bad idea
The left-leaning Johnson County Commission is entertaining an amendment to the County Charter to form a left-leaning Health and Safety…

Blue Valley inflates COVID positivity rate for staff’s benefit
The Blue Valley school administration, notorious for putting the interests of adults ahead of students, has done it again. This…

Mainstream Coalition: no say for parents in curriculum
Like Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, the Mainstream Coalition in Johnson County says parents should have no say on curriculum…

Johnson County officials push CRT with your tax dollars
It’s no secret that Johnson County schools are indoctrinating kids with the tenets of critical race theory, but now a…

No, Gov. Kelly, business isn’t booming in Kansas
With less credibility than Eddie Haskell, Kansas Governor Laura Kelly this week declared that business is booming in Kansas. The…

KSDE conceals low, declining student achievement
The Kansas Legislature’s Special Committee on Education held a hearing on student achievement this week, and the message from the…
KSDE de-emphasizes instruction in new accounting handbook
The new KSDE Accounting Handbook provides another stark reminder that academics and the importance of instruction are being de-emphasized in…

School newspaper editorial criticizes free speech, religion
An editorial in the Blue Valley Northwest school newspaper recently called for a limitation on religious speech based on –…

Shawnee Mission school district thinks Thanksgiving, Christmas are racist
Shawnee Mission Superintendent Dr. Michelle Hubbard tells parents the district is “pausing” their Thanksgiving and winter holiday meal celebrations because…

Having 21% of HS students college-ready isn’t “pretty darn good”
Leavenworth teacher Ginger Riddle’s recent Letter to the Editor described student achievement as being ‘pretty darn good,’ citing the 2020…

KC Star denies CRT in schools, OK with shaming children
Parents across Kansas are furious that schools are teaching children things like ‘white people are inherently racist and oppress students…

Make no mistake: local elections aren’t nonpartisan
All across Kansas, people who never thought they would run for office are seeking election in nonpartisan races for local…
Schools won’t talk about getting 135,000 students to grade level
There were about 135,000 students reading and writing below grade level in Kansas in 2019, with about 17,000 of them…
Mayoral candidate Skoog makes false accusations of KPI
Curt Skoog, a candidate for Overland Park mayor, made some false claims about Kansas Policy Institute and me personally at…
Leavenworth city officials: raise property tax or defund police
When Leavenworth residents asked city commissioners to hold property tax flat next year – like roughly 250 local jurisdictions are…

Kansas tries to reduce standards to make achievement look better
The Kansas Department of Education dumbed down achievement standards about 20 years ago under No Child Left Behind, and now…
More student achievement deception in Gardner-Edgerton
Parents in the Gardner-Edgerton school district in Johnson County are being horribly misled about student achievement. The only question is…

KU researchers mislead (again) on mask mandate efficacy
The University of Kansas issued a press release on Monday, quoting a study in the Journal of the American Medical…
Overland Park’s lower mill rate doesn’t equate to efficiency
Several Overland Park city council members last week justified voting for a 10% property tax increase by noting that their…

Prairie Village officials cause housing to be less affordable
Every time a government entity creates or contributes to a problem, the proposed solution is inevitably more government. The City…

Hypocritical hissy fits from SUBV, Game On over 1776 Project endorsements
They didn’t object when Democrats Laura Kelly, Sharice Davids, and Barbara Bollier got financial backing from out-of-state donors. But Stand…

Overland Park city council won’t be honest with citizens
Last night’s Overland Park revenue neutral hearing showed why Kansans support the new Truth in Taxation law. Taxpayers are fed…
Stand Up Blue Valley stands for mediocrity and bureaucracy
Stand Up Blue Valley likes to portray its leaders as “concerned parents” but their actions show they exist to support…

JoCo school boards request political ‘cover’ from commissioners
“Legal department had not made final review,” wrote Johnson County Commission Chair Ed Eilert , explaining why the school district…