Featured Articles
School board members share ideas on improving student outcomes at 2nd annual KSBRC conference
With the goal of reversing the downward trend in K-12 proficiency levels, school board members and superintendents from across Kansas gathered in Wichita for the Second Annual Improving Student Achievement By Changing Adult Behaviors Conference[…]
Commerce Department dodges questions about seemingly flawed Panasonic, Integra impact claims
The Kansas Department of Commerce claims thousands of jobs created by a pair of large projects and billions in economic impact, but the data used to determine the projections of the Attracting Powerful Economic Expansion[…]
BLS data: Kansas lost 13,000 jobs over the last 12 months
Kansas Governor Laura Kelly and Lt. Governor/Secretary of Commerce Doug Toland have routinely touted tens of thousands of “jobs created or saved” — without substantiation — since the start of the Kelly administration in 2019.[…]
Sedgwick County sales tax proposal would simply the tax shift burden and likely increase it
Sedgwick County is floating a new “property-tax relief” proposal that — while it would theoretically lower property taxes — would simply shift the burden to sales tax and likely not reduce property taxes. The 2025[…]