February 15, 2025

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.


The Sentinel now uses Anedot to process all merchant and card transactions!

What does this mean for you?

It means more security! Anedot (a merchant processing provider similar to Paypal) is custom tailored for non-profits, and offers higher levels of security and fraud prevention for organizations and donors alike!

The Sentinel is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization registered with the IRS and is also a registered charity with the State of Kansas.  The Sentinel is not endowed and does not accept government funding. Our work depends on the generosity of individuals, companies and foundations who share our desire to hold government and media accountable.  Gifts are fully tax-deductible; donors will receive a form letter of acknowledgment and a tax receipt summarizing all gifts will be sent each year in January. We respect donors’ constitutional right to private free speech and do not share our donors’ names or private information with anyone.

The Sentinel is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kansas Policy Institute, which is also a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.

Checks should be made out to The Sentinel, Inc. and sent to:
The Sentinel, Inc.
c/o Kansas Policy Institute
12980 Metcalf
Suite 130
Overland Park, Kansas 66213

Wire Donations, Stock Transfers, & Estate Planning: Please call or contact KPI Chief Executive Officer Dave Trabert, at 913-213-5038 or [email protected] for detailed information on how to make donations via wire, stock, or estate planning.

Secure online donations can be accepted below via credit card or an Anedot account. We utilize Andedot solutions for accepting all online donations to ensure automatic fraud screening takes place.

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