July 16, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Tag: Wichita Eagle

Niche, Wichita Eagle push student achievement deception

A false sense of high achievement is one of the greatest barriers to students getting the education they need.  Many…

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Legal experts refute gender privacy claims by ACLU, KNEA on parental notification

The Kansas chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Kansas chapter of the National Education Association (KNEA)…

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EPC Group demands $11 million more taxpayer money for its project by Wichita baseball stadium

Wichita city leaders are considering a(nother) sweetheart deal that would transfer even more taxpayer money to EPC Real Estate Group…

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Kelly administration wants $15 million to bail out failed incentive program

The Kelly administration is asking for approximately $15 million a year to prop up an incentive program that has shown…

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McClatchy, Iorio collude to keep kids uneducated

One-third of public school students in Kansas cannot read or do math at grade level, and the McClatchy newspapers and…

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Eagle: Wichita park privatization largely a giveaway to developers

Privatizing Wichita’s parks system has largely resulted in giveaways to developers and other private interests rather than Wichita’s residents, according…

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City, Wind Surge hit customers with undisclosed tax & fee

Wichita city leaders are up in arms after the Wichita Eagle reported the owners of the Wind Surge — the…

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Kelly admin prioritizes politics over public health, emails show

With little fanfare, Kansas Governor Laura Kelly’s administration forced out Dr. Lee Norman, who had been both the state public…

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KC Star denies CRT in schools, OK with shaming children

Parents across Kansas are furious that schools are teaching children things like ‘white people are inherently racist and oppress students…

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Wichita State prof: keep kids in underperforming schools

The folksy saying that goes ‘Don’t spit on my boots and try to tell me it’s raining’ means ‘don’t try…

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Friends University professor undermines our constitutional republic

Insidious efforts to indoctrinate college students were on full display in a recent column in the Wichita Eagle by Friends…

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Duane Goossen, John Wilson deceive Kansans on tax relief

People connected to Democrat Laura Kelly’s administration have repeatedly misled Kansans on the facts related to tax relief, and a…

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Mayor Whipple dodges questions about Wichita mask mandate

In October, Wichita Mayor Brandon Whipple said the city’s mask mandate should remain in effect until the 14-day rolling average…

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Eagle reporter fails objectivity test in story about earthquakes

The Wichita Eagle reporter tasked with taking an allegedly unbiased look at climate change has once again allowed her biases…

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Wichita Eagle tortures the truth opposing COVID compensation law

A recent Wichita Eagle news report attempted to change the narrative related to a legislative proposal, according to an attorney…

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Kelly admin calls withholding vaccines ‘enforcement mechanism’

Yesterday, we learned that KDHE ordered Riley County to stop vaccinating people until other counties caught up, and threatened to…

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Misleading ‘highest COVID death rate’ claim is just KDHE reporting issue

Today’s Wichita Eagle story about Kansas having the highest COVID death rate in the nation last week is just another…

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Kelly administration contradicts media reports of post-Thanksgiving surge

Even though there wasn’t a Thanksgiving surge, Dr. Lee Norman, Kansas Secretary of Health and Environment, warned Kansans to avoid…

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Media misleads Kansans again about COVID deaths

The screaming headline in today’s Wichita Eagle inaccurately said “Kansas had worst county in US for COVID deaths per capita…

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KDHE, media collaborate on more mask mandate deception

Once again, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and media are collaborating to deceive Kansans about the effectiveness of…

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COVID survival rate up to 98.9% in Kansas

Data from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment shows the COVID survival rate reached a new high of 98.9%…

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McClatchy cover-up of KDHE deception mask-querades as news story

The McClatchy-owned Kansas City Star and Wichita Eagle on Sunday published a lengthy endorsement of the Kelly administration’s use of…

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Misleading COVID stats in Wichita Eagle; trends down, not up

It may not have been intentional, but a July 29 story in the Wichita Eagle misrepresented the trend of COVID-related…

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Wichita Eagle climate change reporter fails objectivity test

In December of last year, the Sentinel raised concerns about the objectivity of a new climate change reporting position for…

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