October 4, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.


Gov. Kelly, KASB gaslight parents with 2023 student achievement claims

Gaslight is a term used by some mental health practitioners to clinically describe a form of prolonged coercive control in…

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Claiming Level 2 is on track for college/career is dumbing down standards

Some education officials in Kansas are trying to make parents believe that scores in Level 2 on the state assessment…

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More false claims from SUBV on spending and achievement

The activists of Stand Up Blue Valley (SUBV) are working hard to protect the bureaucracy at students’ expense by pushing…

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Group claiming to be moderate wants to protect education status quo

Declaring that rural communities in Kansas are threatened by school choice advocates, a group of former legislators have founded Kansans…

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Education bureaucracy pushing the status quo in hearings

Legislative hearings over this and last week are focusing on how to improve outcomes in Kansas education, perhaps unsurprisingly, the education…

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Recommendations to improve achievement by changing adult behaviors

Testimony submitted this week to the Special Committee on Education crystalized three unfortunate realities: (1) student achievement is low and…

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KASB hits new low, trying to explain away achievement declines

A new flyer from the Kansas Association of School Boards (KASB) would be right at home as satire at The…

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State school board member misrepresents SEL position

At the August board meeting, state school board member Ann Mah misrepresented a social-emotional learning (SEL) statement she attributed to…

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KS Reflector columnist defends bureaucracy with false achievement claims

A guest columnist for the Kansas Reflector wants you to believe that the public school bureaucracy is producing high achievement,…

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8th graders’ test scores falling in civics and U. S. history, study shows

8th-grade students performing at or above grade level in the study of civics and U. S. history declined from 2018-2022,…

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KS education commissioner claims ‘proficient’ is a made-up term

Kansas education commissioner Randy Watson earlier this week told the State Board of Education that “proficient is a made-up term…

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KASB report is a modern-day Emperor’s New Clothes tale

In Hans Christian Andersen’s The Emperor’s New Clothes, two swindlers arrive at the capital city of an emperor who spends…

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Freedom to Learn KS PAC doesn’t want parents to learn the truth about achievement

A panel discussion hosted last week by the Freedom to Learn Kansas Political Action Committee serves as another reminder that…

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Kansas tries to reduce standards to make achievement look better

The Kansas Department of Education dumbed down achievement standards about 20 years ago under No Child Left Behind, and now…

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KBOE President Jim Porter deceives on student achievement (again)

State Board of Education President Jim Porter made a conscious attempt to deceive members of the House K-12 Budget Committee…

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KS education lobby attacks opportunity – Part 3, KASB

The Kansas Association of School Boards (KASB), the taxpayer-funded lobbying arm of local school boards, this week renewed their opposition…

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Kansas Reading Readiness Act to benefit students below grade level

Students in the 3rd and 4th grades who are struggling to read would benefit from the provisions of House Bill…

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Kansas school board chair rejects audit findings in contradiction-laden column

After a scathing editorial by the Kansas City Star called out school districts across Kansas for misusing funding for at-risk…

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Missouri passes Kansas on Nation’s Report Card

The 2019 results on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as the Nation’s Report Card, shows Missouri…

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“Giving Kids a Fighting Chance” premieres to acclaim

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush says educational reform is “…the civil rights issue of our time…it’s the social justice issue…

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Florida education reform film coming to Kansas

Florida students are making gains in reading and math at a faster rate than the national average as well as…

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FL Reaps Better Educational Achievement than KS for Less Money

Florida spends significantly less per pupil on education, but that didn’t stop its students from outperforming Kansas students on the…

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Only One-Third of Public School Eighth Graders Proficient in Math

Two-thirds, or 67 percent, of American public school eighth graders aren’t proficient in math, according to the 2017 National Assessment…

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