July 27, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Tag: Kansas

In Kansas, Spike in Suicide Rate Spurs Talk of Gun Control

In the year 2016, 45 percent more people committed suicide in Kansas than did in 1999.  In Missouri that figure…

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4 Years Later, Accused Kansas Hate Slayer of 7 Still Has Not Gone to Trial

If an individual stands accused of purposefully killing seven people of a different race, is it safe to assume that…

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A Teeny Hill To Die On: 16 Arrested in Topeka Over Medicaid Expansion

In the not too distant past, liberals allowed themselves to be arrested protesting large things like the war in Vietnam,…

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Kobach Not Intimidated By “Snowflake Meltdown” Over Replica Gun

“Had a blast riding in the Old Shawnee Days Parade in this souped up jeep with a replica gun,” Republican…

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Piper Principal Busted For Soliciting Sex With Seventh-Grader

“When I received the first message, I was like, ‘This is weird and uncomfortable,’ and I just knew it wasn’t…

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Here Is The One School in Kansas With An “A” Grade From KPI

No one can accuse the Kansas Policy Institute (KPI) of grade inflation. In its comprehensive assessment of all the 1300-plus…

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“We Feel Blessed:” Douglas County Couple Adopts “Fab Five” Siblings

Until Wednesday of this week, Douglas County couple Jeff and Toni Whaley had no children of their own. Now they…

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Poor People’s Campaign Presents “Demands” at Kansas State Capitol

From the photos it would appear that the people in the soi-disant Kansas “Poor People’s Campaign” are anything but poor…

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Olathe High Schools Need to Aim Higher

If students performed as unspectacularly as the high schools in the Olathe School District, parents might be inclined to take…

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Leawood Woman Fighting Cancer Rejects Abortion, Has Healthy Baby Boy

A shout-out to KCTV5 for reporting the story of a Leawood woman who chose to give birth to her child…

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Why KCK’s Sumner Academy Is Outperforming Blue Valley Southwest

Based on demographics, one would expect Blue Valley Southwest High School to outperform every other public school in the Blue…

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With Release of Woman Convicted of Wichita Shooting, Left Meets “Terrorist” It Cannot Embrace

“Though I am loath to call anyone a terrorist, you are a terrorist,” U.S. District Judge James Redden told Rachelle “Shelley” Shannon…

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KU Athletic Director “Relieved of Duties,” Walks Away $1.4 Million Richer

KU Director of Athletics Sheahon Zenger is out of a job, and the taxpayers of Kansas are out a caboodle…

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While Kansas Is Raising Taxes, Missouri Is Cutting Theirs

For years, generations really, the traditionally Republican Kansas has been a more business-friendly state than the traditionally Democratic Missouri. That…

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KPI Honors 4 Topeka Schools For Improved Performance

The Kansas Policy Institute (KPI) does not award participation trophies. So parents at those four Topeka public schools that had…

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Grades Are In For Shawnee Mission Schools, Parents Brace Yourselves

In a comprehensive review, the Kansas Policy Institute (KPI) has issued easily understood A-F grades for every school in the…

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327 New KPERS “Millionaires” Join the 2,000 Existing KPERS Millionaires

There are many routes to making a million dollars, but the surest and safest one may be to get a…

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KU Hard Pressed to Explain 42% One-Year Bump in Athletic Salaries

Although coaching salaries are paid out of a separate budget, non-coaching salaries in a university’s athletic department are not. Tax…

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Kansas Ranks Below 47 Other States in Public Employees per Capita

Kansas may not be rich in beachfront property or skyscrapers, but the Sunflower State has more government employees per 10,000…

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Kansas GDP Falls, But Lawyers Want $1.5 Billion “More” For Schools

Forget the GDP–the half billion or so of newly committed money is apparently not money enough for the lawyers representing…

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FL Reaps Better Educational Achievement than KS for Less Money

Florida spends significantly less per pupil on education, but that didn’t stop its students from outperforming Kansas students on the…

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Economist: “Kansas Has Fallen Back To Where It Was Before Tax Reform”

According to Jonathan Williams, chief economist with the American Legislative Exchange Council, “Kansas has fallen back to where it was…

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Nearly 300 Kansans In Higher Ed Make 200K, More Than 100 At KU

According to figures released by the Kansas Policy Institute for the 2017-18 academic year, the State of Kansas pays 292…

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Why Is KU Promoting Segregated Housing For Its LGBTQ Students?

At the University of Kansas, they call it “gender inclusive housing” but its effect is to shunt KU’s “transgender, non-binary…

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