September 26, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Category: News

Why Has Deaf Community Turned Against First Deaf Candidate for Kansas House?

As the first deaf candidate for the Kansas House, Chris Haulmark has gotten a lot of media attention, even from…

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Save the Persecuted Christians Conference Comes to KC on 22nd

To read the news one would think that Christians are more likely to be persecutors than to be persecuted. One…

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Olathe School District Quiet on Dismissal of Teacher/ City Councilman

The life as he knew of it Shawnee City Councilman/ Olathe East history teacher Justin Adrian, 33, came to a screeching…

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Feds Say No Leniency for Former Missouri Dem Chairman

Former Jackson County prosecutor, county executive and Missouri Democratic Party chairman Mike Sanders is about to take a trip he would…

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Sold Crack Out of KC Day Care Center, Now Muslim Martyr in Headscarf Case

More than 6,000 Christians in Nigeria, mostly women and children, have been slaughtered by Fulani Muslims since January, but from…

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Book Could Be Written About Death of Wheelchair Pedestrian on 71-Highway

The Fox4KC headline only hints at a larger story, “Truck strikes, kills 55-year-old KC woman attempting to cross 71-Highway in wheelchair.” For…

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More Than 3500 Illegals Get Driver’s Licenses In Missouri Scam

As much as the media tell us that concern over illegal immigration and vote fraud is a sign of paranoia,…

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Daily Kansan: KU Gambled on More Foreign Students, Lost

First off, kudos to the University of Kansas student newspaper, the Daily Kansan. Last school year, the Daily Kansan featured…

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Real Star Headline: “Rockhurst High used paddling for discipline”

If any more proof were needed of the Kansas City Star’s flaming anti-Catholic prejudice, reporters Katy Bergen and Mara Rose…

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Where’s the KNEA? Still Another School Teacher Busted For Sex With Kids

While the Kansas City Star is running breathless front pages exposés on a priest who left the area 42 years…

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Female Rookie Lawrence Cop Meant to Tase Man, Shot Him, Media Confused

The fact that a female cop in Lawrence was the one who shot Akira Lewis back on May 29, and…

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Huh? Dem Rep Candidate Lists Same Olathe Address as Sex Offender

Red State, a popular conservative blog, has called attention to an unusual local issue: Democrat Chris Haulmark lists the same…

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Kudos to Star for Reporting ISIS-Inspired Terror Plot

Credit where it’s due: the Kansas City Star picked up an Associated Press article on an ISIS-inspired terror plot that…

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KC Double Shooting Shows Why Neighborhoods Turn Into “Food Deserts”

As the central initiative of her tenure in the White House, First Lady Michelle Obama preached about putting an end to…

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“Ozark” Is Back For Season 2 And Giving Missouri An Identity

Only a handful of American states have a firm state identity. Texas comes to mind. So too does Iowa, even…

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Day After Trump Blasts Google’s “Rigged Search Results,” Sentinel Makes Google News

Does Google rig the news? Of course it does. If an online reader clicks the Google “News” link, he or…

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Public School Supers Relax, Star Hot on Trail of Priest Who Left KC 42 Years Ago

North Kansas City School Superintendent Dan Clemens must say a prayer every morning–not on the school grounds, of course–that the…

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Shock Headline: “Kansas teachers union backs Democratic nominee for governor”

For some reason the Associated Press and the Kansas City Star thought it newsworthy that the National Education Association’s Kansas…

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Judges Cast out Satanic Temple Plaintiff, Uphold Missouri Abortion Law

Technically, A federal appeals court “dismissed” a lawsuit brought by The Satanic Temple against Missouri abortion laws, but “cast out” seems…

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Do 3 Kansas Health Nonprofits Know They’re Paying Missouri Team to Smear Kobach?

In a Monday article the Sentinel asked, “Who Is Paying for the Kansas News Service to Slander Kobach?” What inspired…

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When Schools Are Ranked By Debt And Spending, Kansas Kicks Butt

If schools were ranked by debt and other financial measurements rather than achievement, Kansas would be a national leader in…

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‘Trayvon Martini’ Joke Goes National, Public Pushes Back

As the Kansas City Star reported breathlessly earlier this week, Westport security guard Michael Dargy “allegedly” asked a black bartender,…

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Star Nails Yoder Opponent Sharice Davids in Lie About Defunding ICE

Oops, 3rd District Kansas Democratic candidate Sharice Davids has been caught in an embarrassing bit of dissembling at a politically…

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Independence Solar Project Leaves Residents Fuming

The municipally owned Independence Power & Light (IPL) boasts on its website that “residents are not just utility customers; they…

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