October 23, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Tag: Taxes

County commissioner says recall attempt is politically motivated

Sheridan County Commissioner Wes Bainter (R-Hoxie) says the recall attempt against him is politically motivated, and the allegations of wrongdoing…

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Kansas faces huge state budget deficits due to COVID-19

Late last week, Kansas Policy Institute released a report showing the state of Kansas is facing potential state budget deficits between…

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Johnson County legislator proposes 5% ‘privilege’ tax on sale of guns and ammo

Rep. Jerry Stogsdill (D-Prairie Village) introduced a bill in the Kansas legislature that would impose a 5% privilege tax on…

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Proposal to raise income tax rates costs $100 million over 3 years

Yes, that headline is correct.  A tax bill touted as revenue-neutral by its sponsors would actually result in a net…

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Kansas utility rates include bogus state income tax cost

Not only are Kansans paying higher utility rates — as much as 35% higher than some surrounding states — but…

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Kansans pay 25% higher electric rates than neighboring states

A recently released audit of the electric rates Kansans pay concluded that Kansans pay anywhere from 22 to 25 percent…

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Gov. Laura Kelly out of touch with average Kansan on budget issues

In a press release just before the first of the year, Kansas Governor Laura Kelly said she’s going to “rebuild”…

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New Study Suggests that Tax Increases and Worker’s Compensation Impact Kansas Economy

The annual Rich States, Poor States reports from the American Legislative Exchange Council came out this week. Kansas slipped in…

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While Kansas Is Raising Taxes, Missouri Is Cutting Theirs

For years, generations really, the traditionally Republican Kansas has been a more business-friendly state than the traditionally Democratic Missouri. That…

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327 New KPERS “Millionaires” Join the 2,000 Existing KPERS Millionaires

There are many routes to making a million dollars, but the surest and safest one may be to get a…

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Economist: “Kansas Has Fallen Back To Where It Was Before Tax Reform”

According to Jonathan Williams, chief economist with the American Legislative Exchange Council, “Kansas has fallen back to where it was…

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Nearly 300 Kansans In Higher Ed Make 200K, More Than 100 At KU

According to figures released by the Kansas Policy Institute for the 2017-18 academic year, the State of Kansas pays 292…

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Americans Will Spend More on Taxes than Groceries, Food, Housing Combined in 2018

As Americans scramble to meet the national deadline to pay their taxes this year, they’ll need to work through April…

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Tired of Appeasing the Beast, Kansas Senate Leaders Want to Take Away Its Power

For years now, legislators in the State of Kansas have been paying nervous tribute to the Kansas Supreme Court. Indeed,…

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“Vulnerable” Kevin Yoder Crushes Dem Opponents on Fundraising Front

It has been an article of faith among Democrats from the moment they recovered (sort of) from the shock of…

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CIS: Kansas Tax System Rewards Cheating by Illegal Aliens and Their Employers

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has discovered a glaring loophole in the way the State of Kansas collects taxes.…

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Does KC Streetcar Spur Development?

Is the Kansas City Streetcar spurring development along its route? That’s the conclusion of KCUR. In a story about the…

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Strange But True: KU Grad Students “Walk Out” to Protest Higher Taxes

Earlier this week the KU Graduate Teaching Assistants Coalition (GTAC) staged something of a “walk out” on campus to protest…

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New Poll Shows Support for Single Terminal, But One Question Is Missing

After months of relentless propaganda from all corners in support of a new single terminal at KCI, the engineering firm…

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Star: “Gender-Inclusive Housing” Expands at UMKC, KU–Whatever That Means

In an age of shifting definitions readers find themselves puzzling over the meaning of headlines like this one from the…

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Gallup: Americans Want Lower Taxes

Americans want lower taxes, according to a Gallup. Pollsters conducted the poll in March asking how Americans viewed a proposal…

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Feds Bust 35 Missouri Convenience Store Owners for Cigarette Smuggling

With the lowest cigarette tax on the nation, Missouri has become something of a Mecca for cigarette smugglers, all puns…

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House Dems Help Nix New Kansas Tax

By a 68-53 vote the Kansas House rejected a plan to increase taxes, and the Democrats made it all possible. …

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The Group That Calls Itself ‘Citizens For Responsible Government’ Challenges Downtown Hotel

On Friday, the Sentinel exposed how the Kansas City Star prefaces all articles about the watchdog group, Citizens for Responsible…

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