Tag: Kristey Williams

Homeschool students allowed to participate in public school activities next year
Noelle Friese is excited for her children in the homeschool she runs with her husband. After moving to Kansas a…

Kansas Reflector gaslights readers on school funding, makes false accusations of legislators
A recent story about school funding in the Kansas Reflector reminded me of a quote by Winston Churchill – a…
Remedial Ed audit finds systemic deficiencies in KS school system
A recently released state audit disclosed that about a third of Kansas high school graduates took at least one remedial…

2021 ACT scores fall as schools de-emphasize academics
The average 2021 ACT scores in Kansas declined for the fifth consecutive year, to 19.9, and the decline in college…

Homeschool households doubled during pandemic, Census reports
The number of homeschool households doubled in the U.S. between spring 2020 and fall 2020, according to a U.S. Census…

KBOE President Jim Porter deceives on student achievement (again)
State Board of Education President Jim Porter made a conscious attempt to deceive members of the House K-12 Budget Committee…
Kansas public school enrollment down, school funding up
Kansas public school enrollment is down, but school funding is up, according to estimates from the Kansas State Department of…
School boards still diverting money to Schools for Fair Funding
Kansas school districts continue to pump money into Schools for Fair Funding, a coalition of school districts that successfully sued…

Top-heavy Wichita school district shortchanges teachers and students
The Kansas education tradition – suing taxpayers on the pretense of not having enough money to educate students but not…
Top-heavy USD 500 Kansas City shortchanges teachers and students
USD 500 Kansas City gave Superintendent Charles Foust a 17% pay increase last year, while the approximate $92 million spent…

Kansas AG says counties can opt out of Kelly’s school mask order
In another apparent abuse of the rule of law, Kansas Governor Laura Kelly insists — contrary to the advice of the top…

Executive order keeping schools closed flies in face of actual science
Despite compelling evidence that the spread of COVID-19 in schools is unlikely, and that closing school — and keeping them…

Audit: No accountability of at-risk spending by districts
A Legislative Post Audit of the at-risk spending by school districts in the state of Kansas found that most at-risk…
2019 state assessment: stagnant, disturbingly low achievement in Kansas schools
Nearly two-thirds of Kansas fourth-graders and 75% of Kansas 10th graders tested below grade level or needing remedial training in…

KASB lays groundwork for more school funding
The Kansas Association of School Board’s advocacy director Mark Tallman is laying the groundwork for seeking more school funding from…

Transparency on teacher success rates could produce more effective teachers
Not all teaching programs are created equal and the lack of transparency on the preparedness of future teachers attending university…
Bill would create transparency, accountability for state incentive programs
Kansas lawmakers are likely to adopt legislation that will provide a new level of accountability and transparency to some of…
House advances school accountability measures
Members of the House advanced legislation late last night that creates several school accountability measures. As the clock ticked to…
Medicaid expansion amendments on citizenship, Planned Parenthood funding rejected
The Kansas House approved Medicaid expansion by a vote of 69-54 Wednesday night while rejecting amendments designed to strip expansion…
Former Brownback Allies Torch His Proposal for Education Funding
Gov. Sam Brownback’s proposal to inject $600 million of new funding into schools isn’t sitting well with many, including Republican…
House Committee Considers Taxing Personal Services
Should services be taxed? And if so, which services? Lawmakers wrestled with those questions during a House Tax Committee hearing…
Carry Conceal Bill Dies after Tied Vote
An evenly divided Kansas House committee shut down legislation exempting KU Medical Center from adding adequate security measures in order to prohibit…