October 22, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Tag: CRT

Newspapers deny reality on CRT, achievement to push status quo in school board races

Videos, teacher training materials, and even school teacher testimony shows the tenets of critical race theory (CRT) are embedded in…

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SMSD parents share concerns about ‘DEIB’ programs

Shawnee Mission North High School teacher Caedran Sullivan last week exposed the widespread negative impact of the district’s DEIB indoctrination,…

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Lansing parent addresses BOE with content, curriculum concerns

Kirsten Workman, who withdrew her daughter from high school English class over her concerns its content focused more on Critical…

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Lansing parent challenges curriculum pushing Marxism, other political opinions

A Lansing parent has removed her high school senior from an English Composition class, contending the materials in the curriculum…

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Fed up with 4-H focus on DEI, local group forms an alternative

One family in Southeast Kansas took a hard look at what was happening in the 4-H program they’d been a…

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teacher union KNEA education school teacher

Education doesn’t appear a priority for the nation’s largest teacher union

Last year the top priority of the National Education Association — the nation’s largest teacher’s union — appeared to be…

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18 Kansas teachers pledge to teach CRT tenets

Against a backdrop of schools oppose curriculum transparency and Parents Bill of Rights legislation, comes a reminder that 18 Kansas…

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Olathe super continues dodging questions about DEI, 1619 Project

Olathe school officials last year said they purged the school website of DEI resources and links, but the widely-debunked 1619…

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Johnson County officials push CRT with your tax dollars

It’s no secret that Johnson County schools are indoctrinating kids with the tenets of critical race theory, but now a…

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Parents prove state school board wrong on CRT

“Critical Race Theory – CRT – is not taught in schools,” is the constant refrain from administrators and school boards…

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Rep. Patrick Penn exposes goal of critical race theory at education hearing

Rep. Patrick Penn, (R-Wichita), presented a graduate-level course on CRT, particularly focused on why it is — contrary to continued…

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K-State ducks questions about social justice contest with KNEA

K-State — Kansas State University — is refusing to answer questions about its apparent partnership with the Kansas National Education…

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KU ducks questions about CRT in education curriculum

As the furor over the teaching of controversial subjects such as critical race theory swings elections in other states, a…

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KC Star denies CRT in schools, OK with shaming children

Parents across Kansas are furious that schools are teaching children things like ‘white people are inherently racist and oppress students…

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Study: diversity administrators do not improve student achievement

The achievement gap between white and minority students likely increases when K-12 school districts hire chief diversity officers. That’s the…

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Hypocritical hissy fits from SUBV, Game On over 1776 Project endorsements

They didn’t object when Democrats Laura Kelly, Sharice Davids, and Barbara Bollier got financial backing from out-of-state donors.  But Stand…

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Oklahoma new educator symposium blasts cops, white women

As the Sentinel has been reporting for several weeks now, Critical Race Theory — disguised as “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,”…

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Critical race theory found in Hiawatha school district

On July 16, Hiawatha Superintendent of Schools Lonnie Moser sent a letter to parents stating unequivocally that “Critical Race Theory”…

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KASB attorney discourages CRT ban in USD 312 Haven

The USD 312 Haven School Board could ban critical race theory (CRT) in its schools. But behind the scenes, the…

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Haven School Board Considers Proactive Approach to CRT

Debates about teaching critical race theory in public schools are erupting throughout the country and all across Kansas. One Kansas…

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