Category: News
Will $3 Million Judicial Slam Kill Media Love Affair With SPLC?
For years, the nation’s media, local media especially, have treated the the Southern Poverty Law Center with awe and its…
Kate Spade Funeral To Be Held Thursday At KC’s Redemptorist Church
A funeral Mass of Christian Burial will be held Thursday at 3 p.m. for world famous fashion designer Kate Spade,…
Media: There’s Been a “Bump” Or Three On STAR Bond Highway
Controversial from the beginning, Kansas STAR Bonds have not done much to alleviate the critics’ concerns. As the Topeka Capital…
Shocker! Kansas Supreme Court Rules Against Fired Teachers
In May 2015 teachers Sallie Scribner and Mark McNemee received notification from the Flinthills school district that their contracts would not…
2 Wyandotte Officers Shot, Killed–5 Shot In Last 3 Years
On Friday morning, two Wyandotte County sheriff’s deputies were in the process of transporting murder suspect Antoine Fielder from the…
Local Dem Chair Commits Unpardonable Sin: Opposes Sex and Race Preferences
The chairman of the Democratic county committee and a candidate for the 3rd District seat in Jackson County, Paul Wrabec…
Now, Trump Calls Out Air Claire For Her “Phony” RV Tour of Missouri
Never one to shade his sentiments, President Donald Trump called out Sen. Claire McCaskill for her use of a private plane…
Politico: McCaskill Uses Private Plane on Alleged “RV” Tour
As reported in Politico, an email from National Republican Senatorial Committee spokesman Bob Salera pretty much sums up the issue at…
Breaking: Missouri Court Rules Against Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood suffered a major loss Tuesday when the U.S. District Court for western Missouri ruled against its bid to…
BBC Finds KC Abortion Survivor More Interesting Than Do Local Media
This week the “Victoria Derbyshire Programme” on the famed BBC network did a feature on Kansas City abortion survivor Melissa…
Death of Hacker Who Busted Bradley Manning Mystifies Wichita Coroner
In 2010, eight years before his mysterious death, notorious Wichita computer hacker Adrian Lamo made an online friend of Bradley…
The 10 Best Kansas Public High Schools in Greater KC
Over the past few weeks, the Sentinel has been documenting the performance of the public high schools on the Kansas…
Special Prosecutor Baker Declines To File Criminal Charges Against Greitens
Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Bakers surely would have liked to take a whack at the Eric Greitens piñata, but…
In Kansas, Spike in Suicide Rate Spurs Talk of Gun Control
In the year 2016, 45 percent more people committed suicide in Kansas than did in 1999. In Missouri that figure…
4 Years Later, Accused Kansas Hate Slayer of 7 Still Has Not Gone to Trial
If an individual stands accused of purposefully killing seven people of a different race, is it safe to assume that…
Kansas City Fashion Designer Kate Spade Dies at 55, Suicide
In the spring of 2016, only the Second Coming of the Lord could have created more excitement at St. Teresa’s…
A Teeny Hill To Die On: 16 Arrested in Topeka Over Medicaid Expansion
In the not too distant past, liberals allowed themselves to be arrested protesting large things like the war in Vietnam,…
NY State Targeted KC-Based Lockton, NRA Targets NY State
For years, the Kansas City–based insurance broker, Lockton Cos., served as a broker for the “Carry Guard” insurance program offered by the…
Kobach Not Intimidated By “Snowflake Meltdown” Over Replica Gun
“Had a blast riding in the Old Shawnee Days Parade in this souped up jeep with a replica gun,” Republican…
Piper Principal Busted For Soliciting Sex With Seventh-Grader
“When I received the first message, I was like, ‘This is weird and uncomfortable,’ and I just knew it wasn’t…
Here Is The One School in Kansas With An “A” Grade From KPI
No one can accuse the Kansas Policy Institute (KPI) of grade inflation. In its comprehensive assessment of all the 1300-plus…
Supreme Court Decision Helps Missouri “Medication” Abortion Law
On Tuesday the U.S. Supreme Court decided not to hear a challenge to an Arkansas law that restricts so-called “medication…
“We Feel Blessed:” Douglas County Couple Adopts “Fab Five” Siblings
Until Wednesday of this week, Douglas County couple Jeff and Toni Whaley had no children of their own. Now they…
Poor People’s Campaign Presents “Demands” at Kansas State Capitol
From the photos it would appear that the people in the soi-disant Kansas “Poor People’s Campaign” are anything but poor…