Tag: Stand Up Blue Valley

More false claims from SUBV on spending and achievement
The activists of Stand Up Blue Valley (SUBV) are working hard to protect the bureaucracy at students’ expense by pushing…
Stand Up Blue Valley misleads followers about misleading voters
Sometimes, understanding what someone avoids saying is more telling than how they respond to an issue, which is certainly the…

Stand Up Blue Valley misleads voters on school board elections
Stand Up Blue Valley, a lobbying group that primarily works to elect legislators who will vote to raise taxes and…

Hypocritical hissy fits from SUBV, Game On over 1776 Project endorsements
They didn’t object when Democrats Laura Kelly, Sharice Davids, and Barbara Bollier got financial backing from out-of-state donors. But Stand…
Stand Up Blue Valley stands for mediocrity and bureaucracy
Stand Up Blue Valley likes to portray its leaders as “concerned parents” but their actions show they exist to support…

Another false spending claim from Stand Up Blue Valley
A Facebook post falsely claiming that operating spending per student was $9,098 in the 2020 school year is the latest…

More school funding deception from Stand Up Blue Valley
A recent Facebook post by Stand Up Blue Valley is another good example of advocacy groups placing a higher priority…

Stand Up Blue Valley: fund systems, not students
The Kansas House of Representatives just approved legislation to give academically challenged students a chance for a better education, and…
Stand Up Blue Valley: Institution before Students
On its Facebook page, Stand Up Blue Valley, touted the positions of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, one of the U.S. Senate’s ultra-liberal…