September 1, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Tag: Kansas

Poll shows majority of Kansans support curriculum transparency

According to a new poll provided to The Daily Wire, an overwhelming majority of registered voters in Kansas and three…

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Schmidt proposes eliminating state income tax on retirees

Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt — who is running for Kansas Governor — has proposed allowing Kansas residents to “retire…

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‘Value Them Both’ allows regulations but doesn’t ban abortions as opponents imply

Kansans will vote on a constitutional amendment known as Value Them Both on August 2 to determine whether there should…

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Educational inequality creates economic inequality in Kansas

Kansas ranks in the bottom half of states in educational equality, which an economist says is directly related to the…

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education school student K-12

Lansing school board implements a Parents Bill of Rights

On June 13, 2022, the Lansing, Kansas, Board of Education did what the Kansas Legislature was unable to do, passing…

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Overland Park Mayor Skoog, staff pushing for (another) 10% property tax hike

Overland Park taxpayers could see their property taxes jump 9.7% for fiscal 2023 — on top of a 10.4% jump…

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Kansas is #32 in educational racial equality, belying officials’ anti-racism claims

Kansas is the 32nd-worst state in the nation for racial equality, showing once again school officials’ alleged devotion to ending…

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KCC reverses course, allows retail ratepayer groups to weigh in on transmission project

Despite calling the brouhaha surrounding a controversial transmission project “a circus” and “drama trauma,” Kansas Corporation Commission Commissioner Susan K.…

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Choosing which crimes to prosecute comes to Kansas on election bribery

The Ellis County Attorney’s decision to not prosecute election bribery signals that the trend of picking and choosing which crimes…

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Kansas adds government jobs, loses private employment in April

Kansas already ranks as the second-most over-governed state in the nation, behind only Wyoming as the state with the most…

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Confidential reports detail rampant incompetence, identity theft at KDOL

In 2019, Kansas ranked 39th in the nation in identity theft on a per-capita basis.  But Kansas shot up to…

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Geary County teacher Pamela Ricard wins partial victory in pronoun lawsuit

Geary County teacher Pamela Ricard has won an initial victory in her lawsuit against her school district’s pronoun policy. On…

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City of Shawnee votes to make housing more expensive

While the Legislature and Governor Laura Kelly were working in a bipartisan fashion to address issues with affordable rural housing,…

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Kelly appointees limit consumer input on eminent domain, rate hikes

In an almost unprecedented move, the Kansas Corporation Commission limited the ability of a consumer interest group to intervene on…

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House fails to override Kelly’s veto of civil rights bills

The Kansas House of Representatives failed on April 28, 2022, to override Governor Laura Kelly’s veto of two civil rights…

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Kansas Health Institute uses flawed assumptions to push Medicaid expansion

A new white paper from the Kansas Health Institute suggests that new federal incentives would lower the cost of Medicaid…

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RSPS: Kansas is in bottom half of state economic performance

Kansas Governor Laura Kelly ranks in the bottom half of governors nationally, but according to the American Legislative Exchange Council,…

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Mississippi becomes third state this year to move to flat tax

While Governor Kelly’s handpicked Tax Council recommends adding a fourth income tax bracket as suggested by her Council on Racial…

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A-F Grading of Kansas schools: just one A but 80 Fs

Based on the 2021 state assessment scores, only one public school in Kansas earned an “A” on Kansas Policy Institute’s…

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Biden’s proposed budget harms Kansas oil and gas industry

As if Washington hasn’t done enough to cause gasoline prices to spike, President Biden wants to impose further harm on…

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Study: Masks get failing grade in keeping kids in school

A study of the nation’s 500 largest school districts indicates that masking children in school had the opposite effect that…

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United Van Lines: Kansas is a high outbound state

Kansas continues its trend as a “high outbound” state for migration within the U..S., according to the 2021 United Van…

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Kansas House passes needs assessment, other education reforms

For years many school districts across Kansas have likely ignored a state law requiring an annual building needs assessment designed…

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Kansas Senate passes ‘Parents Bill of Rights’

The “Parents Bill of Rights” and school curriculum transparency legislation passed the Kansas Senate Tuesday 24-15. However the bill –…

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