Tag: covid-19
Fellow Democrat blasts Kelly for unemployment issues
Editor’s note: Due to a reporter’s error, a previous version of this story said that Governor Laura Kelly in 2019…
Kansas ranks near the bottom of real personal income growth
A report last week from the Bureau of Economic Analysis shows Kansas ranks near the bottom of states in real…
WSJ: $1.9 trillion COVID bill pays Kansans more to stay home
The $1.9 trillion “Covid-relief package” currently wending its way through Congress, could see Kansans paid considerably more to stay home…
OCPA claims free speech victory over ‘cancel culture’
In a victory not just for the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs — but for First Amendment threats across the…
Half of state unemployment payouts may be overpayments or fraud
As Kansas grapples with record levels of unemployment claims and rampant fraud, economist Michael Austin, Director of the Kansas Policy…
Accidental ‘hack’ exposes major security flaw in unemployment system
A glaring security flaw in the Kansas Unemployment System was discovered by an average user who was able to accidentally…
KDHE quietly reduced cycle threshold on COVID tests
Earlier this month — and without fanfare — the Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s Health and Environmental Laboratories reduced…
Kelly admin pays Accenture $48 per hour for call center employees
With tens of thousands of Kansans out of work and waiting for unemployment pay, a Sentinel Open Records investigation shows…
KDHE rejects request for COVID death certificate info
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment last week rejected a Kansas Open Records Act request submitted by the Kansas…
Wichita gym owner’s COVID lawsuit on hold, pending legislative solution
A lawsuit by a Wichita gym owner asking for payment from the State of Kansas for his lost revenue because…
KMBC repeats false CNN claim on December COVID deaths
Updates of deaths attributed to COVID are based on when deaths are reported by health departments with considerable time lag…
Kelly falsely credits mask mandate for getting COVID under control
Kansans received good news on Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2020, as Kansas Governor Laura Kelly announced the spread of COVID-19 is…
Media misleads Kansans again about COVID deaths
The screaming headline in today’s Wichita Eagle inaccurately said “Kansas had worst county in US for COVID deaths per capita…
WHO: labs should be wary of false positives from cycle thresholds
The World Health Organization (WHO) last week joined others in sounding an alarm about false positives being reported due to…
KSHSAA board votes revealed on winter sports attendance
The minutes of the Kansas State High School Athletics Association December 8 vote to allow limited attendance at winter sports…
Gym owner sues state, alleging shutdown commandeered his business
A Wichita gym owner is suing the State of Kansas over COVID lockdowns, claiming the shutdown earlier this year constituted…
Grant County Health Department issuing 24-day quarantines
As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is relaxing quarantine requirements under certain circumstances from 10 and 14 days…
Cycle threshold data required in Florida, Lenexa lab won’t release in KS
The state of Florida now requires labs to provide cycle threshold data on COVID tests, but one of the laboratories…
Support honest journalism this Giving Tuesday
Media bias is a growing threat to liberty and you can do something about it this Giving Tuesday, December 1,…
Students, physicians detail detrimental effects of school lockdowns
Aly Arenholz, an 8th grader at Frontier Trail Middle School in Olathe, asked Olathe high school and middle school students…
KDHE shows no interest in obtaining cycle threshold data
Despite it being clear the State of Kansas is using overly-sensitive COVID tests that, according to officials, will return positive…
$99k no-bid deal for Thrive Allen County to process CARES paperwork
While businesses all across Kansas are struggling to stay afloat, officials in Allen County diverted over $99,000 of the $2.4…
Kansas schools continue to issue bogus quarantine orders
The Blue Valley and Olathe school districts aren’t the only ones deliberately deceiving parents with bogus quarantine orders that are…
Hospital capacity data contradicts ‘bursting at seams’ headline
Data published by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), the Kansas City Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) and the…