Tag: ACT

Kansas ACT scores and college readiness fall again, hitting new lows
The ACT results just released for the 2024 school year show further declines in both raw scores and college readiness.…

Gov. Kelly, KASB gaslight parents with 2023 student achievement claims
Gaslight is a term used by some mental health practitioners to clinically describe a form of prolonged coercive control in…

More false claims from SUBV on spending and achievement
The activists of Stand Up Blue Valley (SUBV) are working hard to protect the bureaucracy at students’ expense by pushing…

Recommendations to improve achievement by changing adult behaviors
Testimony submitted this week to the Special Committee on Education crystalized three unfortunate realities: (1) student achievement is low and…

KASB hits new low, trying to explain away achievement declines
A new flyer from the Kansas Association of School Boards (KASB) would be right at home as satire at The…
Wichita superintendent Kelly Bielefeld covers up poor student achievement
USD 259 superintendent Kelly Bielefeld spoke to the Wichita Pachyderm Club recently, and like his predecessors, he went out of…

KS Reflector columnist defends bureaucracy with false achievement claims
A guest columnist for the Kansas Reflector wants you to believe that the public school bureaucracy is producing high achievement,…
KS education commissioner claims ‘proficient’ is a made-up term
Kansas education commissioner Randy Watson earlier this week told the State Board of Education that “proficient is a made-up term…
KASB report is a modern-day Emperor’s New Clothes tale
In Hans Christian Andersen’s The Emperor’s New Clothes, two swindlers arrive at the capital city of an emperor who spends…

K-12 officials: choice for the system, not for students
“Today we’ve have heard about ways to give kids more choice and what we have received back would be all…

K-12 opposition to computer science underscores need for choice
The lineup of people testifying for and against a proposal to make completion of a computer science course a graduation…

KSDE conceals low, declining student achievement
The Kansas Legislature’s Special Committee on Education held a hearing on student achievement this week, and the message from the…

Having 21% of HS students college-ready isn’t “pretty darn good”
Leavenworth teacher Ginger Riddle’s recent Letter to the Editor described student achievement as being ‘pretty darn good,’ citing the 2020…
KS Board of Ed: districts withhold services to get more money
A half-empty bus passes a Wichita elementary student each morning as he walks more than two miles to the same…

2021 ACT scores fall as schools de-emphasize academics
The average 2021 ACT scores in Kansas declined for the fifth consecutive year, to 19.9, and the decline in college…

Kansas tries to reduce standards to make achievement look better
The Kansas Department of Education dumbed down achievement standards about 20 years ago under No Child Left Behind, and now…

KC Star: government institutions matter, not students
The Missouri Legislature put student needs first in passing the state’s first school choice program, and parents are thrilled. People…