July 16, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Author: Danedri Herbert

Pro-life Protester Acquitted in Wichita

A jury acquitted a Kansas Coalition of Life protester of battery. A Wichita municipal court convicted David Schmidt, 74, in February,…

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Study Suggests Thousands of Cases of Double Voting in 2016

For a problem that many say doesn’t exist, there sure are a lot of recognized cases of voter fraud–or double voting–as…

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Food Stamp Usage Plummets Nationwide

Food stamp usage is on the decline. The number of food stamp recipients bottomed to a seven-year low, according to…

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Trump Election Integrity Commission Notches Win

Two district courts handed the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity a win, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach reports in…

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Wichita Council Serves Subsidies to Cargill

Cargill is walking away from the negotiating table with more than $20 million in subsidies courtesy of the Wichita City…

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Supreme Court Appears Skeptical of School Funding Formula

Kansas Supreme Court Justices peppered attorneys for the state of Kansas on SB 19, a new finance formula that adds…

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Former Legislator Rebuts Hineman’s “Misleading Rhetoric”

House Majority Leader Don Hineman sent a letter to Kansas newspapers explaining his vote to increase taxes, and one former…

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raising taxes

Moran Announces Support for Obamacare Repeal

U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran, who yesterday upended Senate plans to make changes to Obamacare, told the Kansas City Star he supports…

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Moran Returns to Palco without Media Hordes

When Sen. Jerry Moran visited Palco, Kansas, July 7, his town hall meeting was filled to capacity with more than…

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Kansas Fiscal Health Ranked 32nd among States

The top-performing states tend to exhibit fiscal discipline, an area in which Kansas gets low marks, according to Mercatus. The…

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Union Leader, Brownback Admin Squabble over Paychecks

Some employees are getting raises this year, courtesy of the Kansas Legislature, but others are getting a tax increase without…

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Rep. Awerkamp Newsletter Offers Insight into Legislative Session

While several lawmakers attempt to explain their reasoning behind voting for the largest state tax increase in state history and…

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KS Dept. of Revenue Official Talks Tax Increase with Sentinel

People might be surprised to see their take home pay decrease after July 1. Many Kansas households may be seeing…

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Media Descends on Trump Country to Cover Protesters from JoCo, Lawrence

Sen. Jerry Moran hosted a town hall meeting in Palco yesterday. The town of about 280 people played host to…

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Columnist Calls Foul on Traffic Stop; Dash-Cam Reveals Truth

A Columbia Tribune columnist writes he feared for his life during a recent traffic stop in Boone County, Missouri, but a…

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Is It Time to End KC Streetcar Experiment?

President Trump’s budget proposal could spell eventual doom for the Kansas City street car, and that’s not necessarily a bad…

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Greitens Side Steps ‘Fake News’

Greitens recently called a special session to protect pregnancy care centers, and most media coverage on the proposed legislation was…

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Planned Parenthood Plans Bus Trip to Palco

Palco, Kansas, may be about to see a tourist boom, courtesy of Planned Parenthood Great Plains. The abortion provider is…

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Schools Demand More Funding in KS Supreme Court Brief

Attorneys who sued the state for additional school funding filed a brief saying a newly-adopted funding formula falls short of adequacy.…

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Twitter Chooses Side in Abortion Debate

Twitter isn’t outright censoring a pro-life news service, but the social media giant is limiting Live Action’s access to advertising…

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Gallup: Americans Want Lower Taxes

Americans want lower taxes, according to a Gallup. Pollsters conducted the poll in March asking how Americans viewed a proposal…

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Olathe Ranked as a Top Beach Town

Wallet Hub, a consumer finances website, ranked the best beach towns in the country and Olathe earned a top spot.…

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KASB Uses Taxpayer Money to Lobby Against Obamacare Changes

The Kansas Association of School Boards is weighing in on proposed changes to Obamacare. In a KASB newsletter, the school…

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Revenue Department Issues Tax Increase Warning

The Kansas Department of Revenue published new withholding tables today, so employers know how much to withhold from employee paychecks. Employers…

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