July 27, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Tag: Trump

If the Folly Can Ban Milo, Can the Sprint Center Ban Kid Rock?

Kid Rock, the entertainer Democrats fear most, will be hosting the “Greatest New Year’s Eve Bash on Earth” at the…

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Antifa Comes Armed to Kansas City Rally–Sort Of

Aware finally that the other guys have all the guns, the revolutionary media darlings known as “Antifa”–shorthand for antifascist–came armed…

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Star Promotes Silly CIA Hottie Scheme to Kick Trump Off Twitter

To read the headline of the prominently placed article in the Kansas City Star–“Former CIA agent wants to buy Twitter…

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Breaking: Missouri State Senator Says, “I Hope Trump Is Assassinated”

The St. Louis Post Dispatch is reporting that Missouri state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal, a Democrat from University City, posted a…

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Wichita Makeup Artist Denied Award Due to Trump Support

Wichita makeup artist Gypsy Freeman entered a national Instagram-based contest sponsored by television personality Kat Von D–the trade name for…

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Gallup: Americans Want Lower Taxes

Americans want lower taxes, according to a Gallup. Pollsters conducted the poll in March asking how Americans viewed a proposal…

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Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Missouri Church in 7-2 Decision

Lost in the hubbub about the lifting of President Trump’s travel ban was a more far reaching Supreme Court decision on…

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Trump Democrats in Missouri Strong on Reform of “Legal” Immigration

A recent survey on legal immigration by Pulse Opinion Research suggests that those Democrats who voted for Donald Trump may…

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Did Kris Kobach Underestimate the Number of Illegals Voting in Kansas?

A comprehensive report released by the think tank, Just Facts, suggests that, if anything, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach…

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Northland Man on Scalise Shooter: “He Couldn’t Handle Trump”

A Northland man who grew up with James Hodgkinson, the shooter of Rep. Steve Scalise and four others, told Fox4kc that…

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City Resists Homicide Trend, Second South KC Dog Walker Murdered

Police are investigating the death of popular sports bar owner Mike Darby as a homicide. Darby had been walking his dogs…

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Sedgwick County Claims to Have Responded to Trump Sanctuary EO

In an article posted this morning, the Sentinel shared the results of a recent U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) list of so-called “sanctuary”…

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Star on Susan Rice Scandal: “Trump Steps Up Effort to Dispute and Distract on Russia”

If the reader needed just one headline to document the Kansas City Star’s unrelenting bias it would be the one…

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Five Kansas Counties Go “Sanctuary,” None in Missouri

UPDATE: Finney County has protested its inclusion on the list and Sedgwick County claims it has begun to cooperate. In…

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Sessions: Missouri Murder Spike Not a “Blip,” Cites Heroin, Opioids

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Session spoke Friday in St. Louis to state and community leaders and members of law enforcement.…

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Star Headline on Trump Budget Proposal Flirts with Parody

The joke goes that if an asteroid were hurtling towards earth, the New York Times would headline its account of…

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Is City Using Trump to Sell KCI Single Terminal, Go Bonds?

A friend of the Sentinel received a call today from a sophisticated push pollster hoping to measure the respondent’s thoughts…

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Solyndra East? KC Solar Company in Near Total Eclipse

The future looked spectacularly sunny less than two years ago when California-based solar energy company Sungevity opened its Downtown Kansas…

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Illegal Alien Accused of Rape in UMKC Dorm

According to Fox4 KC, the federal immigration department has placed a hold on 22-year-old Juan Contreras for raping an incapacitated woman in UMKC’s…

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Breaking: Hard Left Missouri Journalist, Muslim “Revert,” Arrested for Bomb Threats Against Jewish Community Centers

Juan Thompson, 31, was arrested in St. Louis, Missouri today for his involvement in half a dozen bomb threats against Jewish community centers.…

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Star Concedes Double Standard on “Hate” But Confuses Hate With Terror

In an unusual editorial, especially after a week of over-the-top coverage of the Olathe shooting, the Kansas City Star editorial board conceded…

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“Anti-Fascist” Missouri Woman Charged With Manslaughter in Bullying-Induced Suicide

Up until the morning of January 31, Harley Branham’s Facebook page catalogued her disgust with Donald Trump and his supporters.…

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McCaskill Hopes to Tie Trump’s Hands on Russia

“You can talk all you want about Russia, which was all, you know, fake news, fabricated deal, to try and…

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Royals Tread Lightly on Political Posts

“We play it straight down the middle, but we don’t preclude our players from voicing their opinion on political matters…

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