October 25, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Star Headline on Trump Budget Proposal Flirts with Parody

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KanCare Expansion
Asteroid hurtling to earth. Poor and minorities to suffer most.

The joke goes that if an asteroid were hurtling towards earth, the New York Times would headline its account of the same, “Poor and Minorities to Suffer Most When Asteroid Hits.”

The Star headline on President Trump’s proposed budget reads just as predictably, “Trump budget proposal would hit low-income Kansas Citians the hardest.” Obsessed with budgets shortfalls in Kansas, Star editors seem utterly indifferent to the fact that the U.S. debt is rapidly approaching $20 trillion or $166,126 per taxpayer.

The article by Bryan Lowry and Kelsy Ryan leads with hyperbole bordering on hysteria: “President Donald Trump’s proposed budget cuts would be “devastating” to Kansas City’s poorest residents and damaging to the local economy, city officials say.

It should be noted that twelve of the thirteen City Council people in Kansas City, Missouri, are Democrats as is Councilman Emanuel Cleaver, also quoted in the article, and likely every other person asked to pile on.

An pile on they did. Here are some of their comments:

“People will literally bleed as a result of these cuts.”

“A nervous breakdown on paper.”

“A lot of the city becomes dark very quickly when you pull these funds away.”

This unhinged attack on Trump isn’t journalism. It’s propaganda and not even very effective propaganda. Good propaganda is subtle. At stake is a $7.2 million annual Community Development Block Grant program. One would think that a city that found in excess of a $100 million to build a frivolous streetcar line could find $7 million to help the poor.

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