October 25, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

If the Folly Can Ban Milo, Can the Sprint Center Ban Kid Rock?

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Can the Sprint Center tolerate a performer who says openly, “One thing is for sure. The democrats are ‘sh***in’ in their pantaloons’ right now and rightfully so!”

Kid Rock, the entertainer Democrats fear most, will be hosting the “Greatest New Year’s Eve Bash on Earth” at the Sprint Center in Kansas City.

Unlike the Folly Theater, which cravenly decided that gay provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos was unworthy of its stage, the Sprint Center would not dare turn down Kid Rock. A rock n’ roll icon who has dabbled in a range of genres from hip-hop to country, Kid Rock attracts much the same audience as Milo does except younger, rowdier, and more numerous. His recent six-night run at Little Caesar’s Arena in Detroit, for instance, drew a record setting 86,893.

What scares the left is that Kid Rock–born Robert James Ritchie–shows no fear of its heavy hand. He had nerve enough to give a private patriotic show at the Republican National Convention in July 2016. And he is now exploring a possible run for U.S. Senate in Michigan. “My first order of business,” writes Rock at kidrockforsenate.com, “is to get people engaged and registered to vote while continuing to put out my ideas on ways to help working class people in Michigan and America all while still calling out these jackass lawyers who call themselves politicians.”

Kid Rock promises that money raised through the sale of merchandise at his concerts will be used to fund voter registration efforts. “One thing is for sure,” writes Rock. The democrats are ‘sh***in’ in their pantaloons’ right now and rightfully so!” These are exactly the voters Democrats do not want to see registering.

Kid Rock hails from Michigan’s Macomb County as does famed white rapper Eminem. In 1960, according to Politico, Macomb was the most heavily Democratic suburban county in the United States; by 1980, it had become the most heavily Republican. In 2016, Trump carried the county by more votes than any candidate in history. Had Hillary Clinton performed as well as Barack Obama in Macomb, she would have carried the state.

Last week at the BET awards, Eminem got political as well. He rapped about Trump, “Any fan of mine who’s a supporter of his, I’m drawing in the sand a line: You’re either for or against.” Those words fall on deaf ears in Macomb County, in most of America for that matter. Despite the hopes and dreams of Politico, Eminem has no political future. Kid Rock just might. Fasten your seat belts.

Tickets for the Kid Rock New Year’s Eve show at the Sprint Center go on sale on Friday at 10 a.m.

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