July 16, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Tag: NEA

Arkansas teachers freed from compulsory union membership; what about Kansas?

Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders recently signed into law the “Teacher Paycheck Protection” bill removing union membership as a condition of…

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teacher union KNEA education school teacher

Education doesn’t appear a priority for the nation’s largest teacher union

Last year the top priority of the National Education Association — the nation’s largest teacher’s union — appeared to be…

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House fails to override Kelly’s veto of civil rights bills

The Kansas House of Representatives failed on April 28, 2022, to override Governor Laura Kelly’s veto of two civil rights…

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K-State ducks questions about social justice contest with KNEA

K-State — Kansas State University — is refusing to answer questions about its apparent partnership with the Kansas National Education…

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Make no mistake: local elections aren’t nonpartisan

All across Kansas, people who never thought they would run for office are seeking election in nonpartisan races for local…

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Critical race theory is #1 priority of National Education Association

The #1 priority of the National Education Association – the nation’s largest teacher union – is indoctrinating students with critical…

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Microschools could offer solutions to frustrated parents

Parents frustrated by COVID school closures may soon be able to enroll students in neighborhood microschools in Kansas, according to…

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Shock Headline: “Kansas teachers union backs Democratic nominee for governor”

For some reason the Associated Press and the Kansas City Star thought it newsworthy that the National Education Association’s Kansas…

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