July 27, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Tag: Molly Baumgardner

2019 state assessment: stagnant, disturbingly low achievement in Kansas schools

Nearly two-thirds of Kansas fourth-graders and 75% of Kansas 10th graders tested below grade level or needing remedial training in…

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KASB lays groundwork for more school funding

The Kansas Association of School Board’s advocacy director Mark Tallman is laying the groundwork for seeking more school funding from…

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Legislators to attempt override of Kelly vetoes on final day

Kansas Majority Leader Dan Hawkins has spoken to every single Republican House member leading up to the legislature’s final day…

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SFFF diverts $8.4 million from classrooms to pay lawyers

Kansas public school districts have paid more than $8.4 million in membership fees to Schools for Fair Funding (SFFF), an…

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Media bias – shaping news to fit an agenda

Media bias takes many forms, as demonstrated in a recent story that ran in the Kansas City Star and Wichita…

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Commerce committee rejects David Toland nomination

A Senate Commerce committee is recommending that the Senate reject Gov. Laura Kelly’s nominee for Secretary of Commerce. A divided…

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School districts demand $270 million more than Gov. Kelly proposes

Governor Laura Kelly and the Department of Education say about $90 million more is needed to comply with the Supreme…

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Senate, House to Work Out Details of School Finance Bills

After several Senators changed their votes and a call of the Kansas Senate was rescinded, 21 Senators voted passed a…

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Study Recommendation: Enormous Piles of Fresh Cash for Public Schools

Lawmakers got a preview of an education finance study commissioned to assist them in drafting a new school funding mechanism.…

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Absentee, Party-Switcher Sen. Doll Escapes Consequences

Sen. John Doll announced he would be leaving the Kansas Republican Party on March 6, and then he promptly stopped showing…

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Denning: ‘We Did Our Work on Schools Last Year’

The Kansas Legislature will have a solution for school funding by April, Senate Majority Leader Jim Denning told the Sunflower…

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Bollier “Horrified” by Senate Delay on Gun Legislation She Would Change

A gun proposal supported by the National Rifle Association and Moms Demand Action is stalled in the Senate. Senate Majority…

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Conference Committee To Hash Out School Funding Legislation

A conference committee will hash out the differences between Kansas House and Senate school funding legislation. There will not be…

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School Funding Formula May Fund All-Day Kindergarten

A Kansas House committee spent hours crafting legislation that adds $750 million in new funding for schools over the next…

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Senate Committee to Examine School Funding Announced

Kansas Senate President Susan Wagle appointed a select committee to examine education funding, following a Kansas Supreme Court decision that…

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Brownback Hints at School Choice Solution

Gov. Sam Brownback agrees with the Kansas Supreme Court, he said in a statement issued March 1. The Supreme Court…

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Kansas Legislators Speak at Chamber Breakfast

Four legislators say their no votes on tax increase legislation are solid. Kansas. Sen. Molly Baumgardner of Louisburg, Sen. Caryn…

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