Category: News
KU Coach Bill Self Has Lots of ‘Splainin’ to Do in Adidas Scandal
University of Kansas basketball fans are not thinking about the ongoing federal trial of Adidas executives in New York. They…
Boom! Project Veritas Reporters Show McCaskill, Staffers Duping Swing Voters
James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas reporters have caught not only McCaskill staffers but also Claire McCaskill herself sharing thoughts on any…
Rape of MSU Student After #MeToo Rally Highlights Movement’s Confusion
“I guess I tried to force myself on her, and I feel like such a terrible person for it,” Zachary…
“Gosnell,” The Movie, Opens in Area Theaters Today
Writing in National Review, Michelle Malkin calls Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer “The Most Important Movie You’ve Never Heard Of.”…
Feds Bust KC Firefighter For Selling Guns to Felons
James Samuels is not only the Kansas City firefighter with a business on the side, but Samuels’ business brought him…
Services for Sen. Kay O’Connor Set for Wednesday, Thursday
Kathleen “Kay” Frances O’Connor, 76, of Overland Park, KS passed away Oct. 10, 2018 at Olathe Hospice House. Visitation will…
Witness Fingers KU B-Ballers In Adidas Scandal
On Thursday, cooperating witness T.J. Gassnola, a former Adidas consultant, detailed the payments he made to families and friends of current…
After Long Illness, the Heroic Sen. Kay O’Connor Dies
On Wednesday morning, October 10, former Kansas State Senator Kay O’Connor died after a long illness at the age of…
Has the Olathe District or KNEA Warned Students About Gay Sex Apps?
On Tuesday, Fox4KC reported the salacious details involving Justin Adrian, until last month an Olathe East High School teacher and…
Laura Kelly: “Little Getting Around A Need To Spend More”
To be fair to Kansas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Laura Kelly, “there’s little getting around a need to spend more” is…
Yoder Calls On Sharice “No Show” Davids To Show For 3 Debates
Congressional Democratic candidate Sharice Davids shocked even her supporters with her last minute withdrawal from the Johnson County Bar Association…
Fired UMKC Whistleblower Seeks Justice
In an extraordinary memo this past March, UMKC Provost Barbara Bichelmeyer conceded that Dr. Richard Arend, until recently a tenured…
Shocker: KNEA Withdraws Support of Deaf Candidate in Kansas House Race
One had to give credit where it is due: the KNEA, the Kansas branch of the National Educational Association, has…
Trump Gives Steve Watkins Huge Boost in Topeka Speech
For Steve Watkins and Kris Kobach, President Donald Trump could not have picked a better day to stump for the…
Good Samaritans Save Woman From Knife Wielding Beau in Downtown KC
In the same news cycle that Kansas City, Missouri, observed its 100th homicide of 2018, the media reported the heroic…
Whoa! Star Chides Davids For Last Minute Duck of JOCO Debate
The opening sentence of the Wednesday Kansas City Star article is pretty damning: “Democrat Sharice Davids has pulled out of…
Shocker: Liberal Star Jason Kander Withdraws From KC Mayor’s Race, Cites PTSD
“By all objective measures, things have been going well for me the past few months,” writes Jason Kander on his…
AP Slams Kelly for Claiming Kobach Called Schools “Overfunded”
When the Associated Press calls a claim in a Democratic ad false, as it did for a Laura Kelly ad…
Why is Sharice Davids Ducking Debate With Congressman Yoder?
Veteran KMBC TV political reporter Michael Mahoney spelled out the problem in a September 21 tweet: “KCK Chamber says ‘every…
Star Promotes Protestor Sabotage of Trump Topeka Event
Protestors plan to sabotage the appearance of President Donald Trump in Topeka next weekend, and the Kansas City Star does…
Wow! Hawley Asks McCaskill to Jim Him In Call For Special Counsel
Early Monday morning, the Sentinel opined, “Josh Hawley and his strategists should read [the Mitchell report] carefully. They should then…
Remember When Kansas Media Told Us NOT to Believe Victims
On Wednesday the Kansas City Star scolded those on the right defending Judge Brett Kavanaugh for their failure to believe victims and…
Olathe Teacher Arrested For Sex With Student, Star Conceals Orientation
In the first sentence of its article on the arrest last year of Olathe South High School Teacher Michael Jasiczek for…
Kansas Journalists Ask: Are We the “Enemy of the People”?
“I’m not going to be bullied and backed down just because the president of the United States thinks I’m an…