July 16, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Author: Dave Trabert

Douglas County officials compete to see who can raise property tax the most

Douglas County residents are being hammered by government-spending-induced inflation.  U.S. Census data show the county has almost 3,000 fewer residents…

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Revenue-Neutral property tax hearings start August 20

Be on the lookout for your notice of revenue-neutral property tax hearings that start on August 20 and run through…

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Elected officials use residential valuation spike to hide property tax increases

The Wyandotte County 2023 budget presentation touts a half-mill reduction as property tax “savings” and “tax relief,” but in reality,…

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IRS targeting amendment designed to protect free speech

The proposed Schumer-Manchin $433 billion spending extravaganza includes $46 billion for the IRS, which the Wall Street Journal says will…

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KSDE shirks responsibility to school districts, promotes KASB membership

The Kansas Department of Education purports to be a “dedicated service agency” that provides leadership, resources, and support.  But like…

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2nd Quarter jobs: Gov’t. jumps, private sector flat in Kansas

The tax-and-spend mindset of many state and local officials produced predictable results in the second quarter — government jobs increased…

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KASB report is a modern-day Emperor’s New Clothes tale

In Hans Christian Andersen’s The Emperor’s New Clothes, two swindlers arrive at the capital city of an emperor who spends…

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Kansas Reflector aids and abets student achievement cover-up

It’s bad enough that there are more high school students below grade level in Kansas than are proficient.  But media…

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Sen. Braun Rule 44 proposal would expose earmarks

Earmarks – the practice whereby legislators can designate money for a specific (often pork barrel) purpose in their district –…

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Blue Valley substitute teacher laments decline in academic emphasis

Amid a growing chorus of parents expressing concerns about academic declines and exposing children to objectionable gender and race indoctrination…

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censorship free speech Advice & Aid

Freedom to Learn KS PAC doesn’t want parents to learn the truth about achievement

A panel discussion hosted last week by the Freedom to Learn Kansas Political Action Committee serves as another reminder that…

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Kelly’s ‘bring it on’ comment about recession is an affront to Kansans

There were 38,000 fewer Kansans working in May of this year, compared to January 2020.  Business owners and individuals are…

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Supreme Court refers ‘big box’ property tax case to Board of Tax Appeals

The Kansas Supreme Court today released its opinion on Johnson County’s appeal on Walmart property tax valuations dealing with so-called…

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Biden: no lunch for poor kids unless schools allow boys in the girls’ restrooms

Just when you think Washington can’t stoop any lower, the Biden administration says it will withhold funding for lunch for…

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Graduation task force ignores the low-achievement elephant in the room

Faced with an enormous student achievement problem, the Kansas State Board of Education is taking the very predictable bureaucratic approach…

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Choosing which crimes to prosecute comes to Kansas on election bribery

The Ellis County Attorney’s decision to not prosecute election bribery signals that the trend of picking and choosing which crimes…

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Taxpayer exposes Olathe school board president’s bullying, misinformation tactics

The Olathe school district says it won’t tolerate bullying and harmful behavior, which should also apply to school board members. …

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Johnson County officials effectively propose big rent hikes

County Commissioner Becky Fast is on record saying affordable housing options are a top concern for her constituents, but odds…

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Education officials top the 2021 KPERS ‘millionaires’ list

Data provided by the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System shows Kansas has 3,349 KPERS ‘millionaires’ – state and local government…

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Food sales tax would be almost gone but for Kelly’s 2019 veto

Guess what the state sales tax on food would be this coming New Year’s Day if Kansas Governor Laura Kelly…

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education school student K-12

SMSD justifies transgender discussions with kindergarteners

A PTA meeting for Trailwood Elementary in the Shawnee Mision school district disclosed the district’s rationale for discussing transgender and…

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KS Commission on racial equity ignores educational discrimination

How’s this for hypocrisy?  The final report from Kansas Governor Laura Kelly’s Commission on Racial Equity & Justice conveniently ignores…

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Kansas falls further behind on GDP, wages, proprietor income

In its fifth straight decade of economic stagnation, Kansas fell further behind in the 4th Quarter of 2021.  Private-sector wages…

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Topeka super Tiffany Anderson misleads parents on student achievement

To hear Topeka Superintendent Tiffany Anderson talk about student achievement in her district, you would think it is pretty good…

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