February 16, 2025

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Why Some Kansas Votes Are Counted And Why Some Are Not

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The election officials of Sedgwick County, where Wichita is located, have finished sorting through provisional and mail-in ballots, and their efforts offer a useful, experiential guide to which votes are to be counted in the Kansas gubernatorial race and which are not.

When all was said and done, the Board of County Canvassers counted 61 percent of the 2172 ballots up for grabs. The Wichita Eagle has done a good job of breaking the vote count out. Arguably, the most interesting statistic is the 136 members of one party who tried to vote in another.

Ballots Allowed:

Reason for dispute Number
Moved but hadn’t updated address 459
Wrong polling place 412
Clerical error by election office 187
Unaffiliated declared party, mail votes 105
Moved, advance voters 83
Name change 44
Did not bring ID, but turned it in later 21
Filled out form to affiliate with party, failed to check box 14
Expired ID, voter found to be over 65 1
TOTAL 1,326


Ballots rejected

Mail ballots returned undeliverable by Post Office 345
Unregistered or voted in wrong county 185
Affiliated with a party but tried to vote in another party 136
Mail ballots without signature on envelope 80
Affiliation form marked to remain unaffiliated 32
Didn’t provide ID 17
Returned envelope with no ballot 7
Unaffiliated voted by mail, without paperwork to affiliate 6
Note on ballot did not want to affiliate with a party 6
Mail ballots postmarked after election day 6
Ballot returned in wrong envelope 5
Unaffiliated voted party ballot, refused to affiliate 4
Unaffiliated voter checked Libertarian on form 3
Did not attempt to affiliate with party 3
Mail ballot signed by assistant but without disability affidavit 2
Affiliation form signed but signature crossed out 2
Voter cast advance ballot after deadline at election office 1
Voted provisional at wrong place, later voted at right location 1
Voted by mail and filed provisional vote 1
Returned ballot without advance ballot application 1
ID suspended, tried to vote with letter from a judge 1
Expired ID, under 65 years old 1
Ballot hand-delivered to election office after polls closed 1

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