July 16, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Tag: Susan Wagle

Tempers Flare in KS Legislature as Lawmakers Consider Constitutional Amendment for School Funding

Senate leadership announced they won’t schedule a debate on school finance until a constitutional amendment proposal moves through the House and…

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Education Study a ‘$200K Birdcage Liner’, Lawmaker Says

Lawmakers are balking at an education study that recommends spending up to an additional $1.77 billion on school funding. Lori…

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AG’S Office Monitoring Possible Audit of Deputy Education Commissioner

The Kansas Attorney General’s Office isn’t investigating reports that the Kansas Deputy Education Commissioner unlawfully allocated extra transportation funding to…

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Legislative Leaders Seek Suspension of KS Deputy Education Commissioner

Kansas Senate President Susan Wagle and Kansas House Speaker Ron Ryckman are asking the Kansas State Department of Education to…

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Governor, Senate President Fight Battle of Press Releases

Gov. Sam Brownback and Senate President Susan Wagle, both Republicans, aren’t pulling any punches in dueling press releases. Brownback issued…

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Former Brownback Allies Torch His Proposal for Education Funding

Gov. Sam Brownback’s proposal to inject $600 million of new funding into schools isn’t sitting well with many, including Republican…

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Read Their Lips: No Tax Increase in Kansas

Leaders in both the Kansas House and Kansas Senate say increasing taxes to pay a Kansas Supreme Court-imposed ransom to…

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Lobbyist, Guest Movements Captured at Senate Leadership Event

It wasn’t mentioned when guests slipped on name tags at a Kansas Senate Republican Committee fundraiser on Friday, but Harrison…

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Dem Leaders Request Interim Committee on School Finance

Legislative leadership will consider whether to create an interim committee on school finance in light of the Kansas Supreme Court’s…

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Republican Legislative Leaders Call Court Disrespectful of Legislative Process

Kansas Senate leadership is drawing a line in the sand. Sen. President Susan Wagle, Vice President Jeff Longbine and Majority…

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Senate Torpedoes Flat Tax Proposal

Senators torpedoed a flat tax bill that would have created one, 4.6 percent income tax rate. Members of the Senate…

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Senate Advances Medicaid Expansion Proposal

Kansas Senators adopted legislation to expand Medicaid on Tuesday morning, but the measure will likely meet the business end of Gov.…

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gun bill

Truth Caucus, 2A Supporters Question Senate Leadership

The Kansas State Rifle Association is regretting its decision to endorse Senate President Susan Wagle and Senate Majority Leader Jim…

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Senate President Wagle To Propose Spending Cuts

Kansas Senate President Susan Wagle announced she will propose across-the-board spending cuts to balance this year’s budget. The Senate will…

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school funding

Senate Committee to Examine School Funding Announced

Kansas Senate President Susan Wagle appointed a select committee to examine education funding, following a Kansas Supreme Court decision that…

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Senator Alleges Leadership Gamesmanship after Debate

The Kansas Senate systematically worked through Gov. Brownback’s budget proposal yesterday. After a lengthy floor debate, Senators rejected the bill…

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Senate Republicans Reach Consensus on Tax Package? Not So Fast

The Kansas Senate Committee on Assessment and Taxation will hold a hearing next week on a proposal that would eliminate…

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Senate Republican Closed Caucus Meeting Goes Public

Senate Republicans met in closed caucus on Jan. 30 at the Topeka headquarters of the Kansas Association of Insurance Agents.…

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