October 25, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Governor, Senate President Fight Battle of Press Releases

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Gov. Sam Brownback and Senate President Susan Wagle, both Republicans, aren’t pulling any punches in dueling press releases. Brownback issued a statement responding to criticism about his proposal to increase school funding by $600 million, and Senate President Susan Wagle fired off a press release of her own within minutes in response.

Gov. Sam Brownback and Senate President Susan Wagle aren’t pulling any punches in dueling press releases.

According to Brownback, complying with the Kansas Supreme Court ruling on school funding isn’t optional.

“I support the rule of law, and I will not stand to see schools closed because of inaction on our part,” Brownback said in a statement. The Governor’s release said he recognizes the extra funding will strain the state’s budget, but he looks forward to continuing the conversation with the Legislature.

“It is neither constructive nor wise to hold hostage other critical initiatives, due to political gamesmanship over disagreement on the school funding piece of my proposal” Brownback’s statement concludes.

Wagle’s release makes clear her ire at the Governor she once supported. Her press release is entitled “Senate President Points Out Hypocrisy of Brownback/Colyer Administration.” The release is an edited version of Brownback’s statement at the end of last year’s session. The changes are in italicized in bold.

The governor–despite borrowing and delaying payments–chose to spend over $100 million in new spending on top of $600 million in increased funding for schools,” Wagle’s edits read. “This budget pays for the Brownback/Colyer wish lists on the backs of working Kansans.”

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