July 27, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Tag: Government

Monetti Doubles Down in MO Senate Race, Has Sarah Palin Come to KC For Rally

Not one to be easily deterred by the odds, Missouri U.S. Senate candidate Tony Monetti is going all in by…

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Candidates Struggle to Explain Why Kansas Is Stagnant in Surging Economy

In the booming 2017 national economy, only two states underperformed Kansas–Louisiana and Connecticut. In fact, Kansas was one of only…

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Sigh! Kander Lowers Sights From President to Mayor of KC

If there is a more nakedly ambitious Democrat in America than former Missouri secretary of state and would-be Kansas City mayor…

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With Nearly 300 Kansas Educators Making $200K, Tuition Had To Go Up

Given the need to pay nearly 300 people more than $200,000 a year–and seven more than $500,000–the Kansas Board of…

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“Mizzou” Has Become Shorthand For “Self-Destructive University”

Board members at the University of Missouri, affectionately known as “Mizzou,” should consider the following headline from The College Fix…

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New Subsidized KC Grocery Shows Why “Food Deserts” Become Food Deserts

As the central initiative of her tenure in the White House, First Lady Michelle Obama preached about putting an end to…

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Media: There’s Been a “Bump” Or Three On STAR Bond Highway

Controversial from the beginning, Kansas STAR Bonds have not done much to alleviate the critics’ concerns. As the Topeka Capital…

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Shocker! Kansas Supreme Court Rules Against Fired Teachers

In May 2015 teachers Sallie Scribner and Mark McNemee received notification from the Flinthills school district that their contracts would not…

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Breaking: Missouri Court Rules Against Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood suffered a major loss Tuesday when the U.S. District Court for western Missouri ruled against its bid to…

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Kobach Not Intimidated By “Snowflake Meltdown” Over Replica Gun

“Had a blast riding in the Old Shawnee Days Parade in this souped up jeep with a replica gun,” Republican…

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Here Is The One School in Kansas With An “A” Grade From KPI

No one can accuse the Kansas Policy Institute (KPI) of grade inflation. In its comprehensive assessment of all the 1300-plus…

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“We Feel Blessed:” Douglas County Couple Adopts “Fab Five” Siblings

Until Wednesday of this week, Douglas County couple Jeff and Toni Whaley had no children of their own. Now they…

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Comey Gets Standing O From Sold-Out KC Crowd

Between October 28, 2016, and May, 9, 2017, only one man in America was more despised by the leftward third…

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KU Athletic Director “Relieved of Duties,” Walks Away $1.4 Million Richer

KU Director of Athletics Sheahon Zenger is out of a job, and the taxpayers of Kansas are out a caboodle…

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While Kansas Is Raising Taxes, Missouri Is Cutting Theirs

For years, generations really, the traditionally Republican Kansas has been a more business-friendly state than the traditionally Democratic Missouri. That…

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Grades Are In For Shawnee Mission Schools, Parents Brace Yourselves

In a comprehensive review, the Kansas Policy Institute (KPI) has issued easily understood A-F grades for every school in the…

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Fox2 St. Louis Traces Greitens Investigation to Low-Income Housing Scam

Whatever his flaws,  Eric Greitens was the first Missouri governor to try to stop a program called the Low-Income Housing Tax…

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327 New KPERS “Millionaires” Join the 2,000 Existing KPERS Millionaires

There are many routes to making a million dollars, but the surest and safest one may be to get a…

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Shocker: St. Louis Circuit Attorney Drops Case Against Greitens

Likely fearing that she would end up in more legal jeopardy than the accused, St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner dropped…

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KU Hard Pressed to Explain 42% One-Year Bump in Athletic Salaries

Although coaching salaries are paid out of a separate budget, non-coaching salaries in a university’s athletic department are not. Tax…

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Missouri Dems Expel Rep on Race Issue, Trump Assassin Champ Remains

Democrats in the Missouri House on Thursday voted to “expel” state Rep. Bob Burns from their caucus for calling in…

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Greitens Accuser, A Planned Parenthood “Activist” And Possible Pawn Of House Dems

The already murky “invasion of privacy” case against  Gov. Eric Greitens has gotten murkier with the revelation in Breitbart.com that…

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Kansas GDP Falls, But Lawyers Want $1.5 Billion “More” For Schools

Forget the GDP–the half billion or so of newly committed money is apparently not money enough for the lawyers representing…

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UK Publication: Greitens Prosecutor “Must Be Investigated”

The headline of a column in the Sunday British Observer had to have raised eyebrows from St. Louis to Jefferson…

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