Tag: Gannon
Education establishment gearing up for new lawsuit over SPED funding
The State Supreme Court in 2019 determined that the Legislature met the Court’s definition of adequate funding of schools, including…
KS Supreme Court sets date for SB 40 hearing
Save the date. The Kansas Supreme Court will hear arguments on whether a new law stands on Oct. 26. The…

KS education lobby attacks opportunity – Part 2, SMSD
The Shawnee Mission School District (SMSD) is part of the education lobby that is attacking opportunity for students who are…
School boards still diverting money to Schools for Fair Funding
Kansas school districts continue to pump money into Schools for Fair Funding, a coalition of school districts that successfully sued…
SFFF diverts $8.4 million from classrooms to pay lawyers
Kansas public school districts have paid more than $8.4 million in membership fees to Schools for Fair Funding (SFFF), an…
Court rejects Kelly’s request to file school finance brief
The Kansas Supreme Court denied Gov. Laura Kelly’s request to file an amicus brief in the on-going school financing lawsuit…
School districts demand $270 million more than Gov. Kelly proposes
Governor Laura Kelly and the Department of Education say about $90 million more is needed to comply with the Supreme…
More money won’t end school funding litigation
Even if legislators give schools the extra $90 million per year that the Department of Education says is needed to…
Capital-Journal treats school funding rumor as fact
Despite a lack of evidence or confirmation, the Topeka Capital-Journal printed allegations from Democrats saying House Speaker Ron Ryckman, (R)…
Denning: ‘We Did Our Work on Schools Last Year’
The Kansas Legislature will have a solution for school funding by April, Senate Majority Leader Jim Denning told the Sunflower…
Wichita School District Hires Political Consulting Firm
The Wichita School District hired a political consulting firm to monitor and report to district administration on legislative activities. School…
Supreme Court Rejects School Funding Model It Once Used
The Kansas Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional lawmakers’ most recent attempt at a school financing formula, in part, because the formula…