Tag: Fort Hays State University

Wichita State bucks declining college enrollment trend
Nationwide enrollment in post-secondary education has been dropping for years, and with the exception of Wichita State, it’s also true…

Mask mandates had no impact on COVID case growth
When Kansas Governor Laura Kelly issued a new statewide mask mandate in November, 38 counties adopted it, 43 counties rejected…
Universities largely to blame for tuition hikes, not Legislature
Kansas college students are incurring a lot more debt to pay tuition and fees than they were a decade ago,…
Big Potential for Cost Savings at Kansas Universities
An analysis of staffing levels prepared by Kansas Policy Institute (KPI) shows the University of Kansas appears to be far…
Media Descends on Trump Country to Cover Protesters from JoCo, Lawrence
Sen. Jerry Moran hosted a town hall meeting in Palco yesterday. The town of about 280 people played host to…