Tag: economic development

Commerce Department dodging questions about programs — again
The Kansas Department of Commerce is refusing to answer questions about the number of grants it has awarded over the…

Audit identifies concerns about state economic development incentives
A new report from the Kansas Division of Legislative Post Audit identifies serious deficiencies in several economic development incentive programs…
EPC Group demands $11 million more taxpayer money for its project by Wichita baseball stadium
Wichita city leaders are considering a(nother) sweetheart deal that would transfer even more taxpayer money to EPC Real Estate Group…

Audit: Economic development ‘incentives’ don’t cover costs to taxpayers
A recent audit of economic development “incentive” programs by the Kansas Legislative Division of Post Audit found that — while…

Petition asks legislature to halt skyrocketing electric rates
Kansas has some of the highest electric utility rates in the region, with residents paying — on average — 25%…
Commerce can’t – or won’t – substantiate “jobs created” claim
In late November of last year, the Kansas Department of Commerce announced that there had been $2 billion in new…

Audit: $20 million Angel Investor program rife with problems
A damning report from the Kansas Legislative Division of Post Audit says the Angel Investor tax credit program designed to…

McKinsey & Company selected over experienced, less costly firms for study
The Kansas Department of Commerce disregarded bids from experienced and less expensive companies to create an economic development strategy for…

Electric rates hurt economic development; Evergy customers getting $41 million rate hike
Having significantly higher electric rates than surrounding states isn’t just a millstone around the neck of the average Kansan, it’s dragging…
Wichita Council Serves Subsidies to Cargill
Cargill is walking away from the negotiating table with more than $20 million in subsidies courtesy of the Wichita City…