January 22, 2025

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

KFL Slams Star Coverage of Daleiden Event

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Kansans for Life president Mary Kay Culp, back to camera, is horrified by Star’s coverage of David Daleiden event.

“This is the absolutely worst newspaper article I have EVER read as far as it being a representation of the event or people key to the event that was supposedly ‘covered,'” said Kansans for Life (KFL) president Mary Kay Culp. Culp was referring to Judy Thomas’s article in the Kansas City Star on Tuesday’s KFL banquet featuring David Daleiden.

Curiously, the day before the event the Sentinel had taken Thomas to task for her three-part series, “Altar Boy’s Secret.” Thomas’s ACCOUNT was eviscerated by the only living witness to the incident not then suing the Catholic Church. Said the witness of Thomas’s reporting:

“I was infuriated because it was clear that the Kansas City Star was not interested in the truth.”

Culp came to the same conclusion. Most troubling to her was Thomas’s decision to give the final word on the evening to Planned Parenthood. Wrote Thomas, “Laura McQuade, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Great Plains, said Tuesday’s event reflected poorly on Kansans for Life.”

Said Culp, “I think my favorite line was how Planned Parenthood supposedly said the event reflected badly on an organization like Kansans for Life. Huh? You mean before that they respected us?” 

Cup continued:

“The whole thing would be hilarious if it was not about so horrible a subject–an organization that charges women to kill their unborn children, has them sign fraudulent so-called consent forms and then parts their babies out for even more profit. WOW.”

Culp has threatened to take the tape of this event either down to the Star or to McClatchy headquarters “and let them compare it to their absolutely shameless ‘coverage.'”

Promises Culp, “The Star hasn’t heard the end of this by us yet.”

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