March 18, 2025

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Former Kansas Gov. Sebelius Unloads on Clintons

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Former Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius endorsed Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in glowing terms in 2016, but Sebelius is singing a different tune a little more than a year later.

Former U.S Secretary of Health and Human Services and former Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius speaks at the Dole Institute. She recently unloaded on the Clintons during a David Axelrod podcast.

In February of 2016, long before Democratic and Republican primaries were complete, Sebelius raved about Clinton to the Topeka Capital-Journal.

“I just feel that she’s the only person, frankly, in the field of candidates who has the experience and background that prepares her nationally and internationally to be the leader of the country,” Sebelius said.

That’s in stark contrast to how she talked about Hilary and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, in a podcast with David Axelrod.

“Not only did people look the other way, but they went after the women who came forward and accused him,” Sebelius said. “And so it doubled down on not only bad behavior, but abusive behavior, and then people attacked the victims.”

The former Kansas governor and U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services stopped short of saying the U.S. House’s attempts to impeach President Clinton were warranted, and she gave Sen. Al Franken, accused of victimizing a woman while on a USO tour before he became a Senator.

“He, first of all, admitted behavior and apologized, but immediately asked for an ethics investigation of himself,” Sebelius told Axelrod. She said the others who have been accused of sexual misconduct are following “a very different path, and it’s a path that looks a lot more like what Bill Clinton did.”


Though Sebelius endorsed Hilary Clinton early during the 2016 campaign, she was an early defector from the Clinton camp in 2008. That year, she endorsed then-Sen. Barack Obama in the Democratic primary.

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