March 14, 2025

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Daleiden Blasts “Barbaric” Baby Parts Biz at KFL Dinner

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David Daleiden methodically revealed the workings of the “barbaric” trafficking in baby parts.

On Tuesday evening, at the Kansans for Life annual dinner, a thousand-plus people including Archbishop Joseph Naumann and Kansas Governor Sam Brownback watched 28-year-old David Daleiden surgically deconstruct America’s flourishing baby parts business.

If the phrase “baby parts business” seems shocking, it should. It shocked Daleiden into action when he first learned of this enterprise  seven years ago. It was then that he saw ABC 20/20’s hidden camera exposé of Dr. Miles Jones. Produced in the year 2000, this 20/20 segment was hosted by Chris Wallace, then with ABC. Said Wallace, ABC “found a thriving industry, in which aborted fetuses women donate to help medical research are being marketed for hundreds – even thousands of dollars.”

Although the ABC segment downplayed the relationship, Jones was working with Planned Parenthood’s Overland Park Clinic. As Daleiden pointed out, it was Kansans for Life (KFL) that alerted ABC to this unholy practice. Although ABC seemed more shocked by the prices charged than the practice of dismembering otherwise healthy unborn babies for resale, the ABC segment did lead to a Congressional investigation.

In 2013, Daleiden launched an entity called The Center for Medical Progress to pursue in depth the work that ABC initiated. This led to the undercover, thirty-month long “Human Capital” investigation that documented in stunning and occasionally repulsive detail Planned Parenthood’s illegal sale of body parts from aborted unborn babies. Daleiden’s work led to the defunding of Planned Parenthood in numerous states and a serious blow to its image nationwide.

Impressively well-spoken, Daleiden walked the audience through the industry’s business model. Rather than showing images of dismembered babies, he showed work orders, receipts, catalogues, and pull-down menus.

Barbarism may be as old as humanity, but rarely has it been so thoroughly commodified, and never before has this particular form of barbarism been so well documented.

No one in the KFL audience was left unshaken.

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