Category: Featured
New Business Continues to Grow in Kansas
There is not much positive effect a state tax policy can have on industries like agriculture and energy, the two…
Media Bias: A Tale of 2 Polls
Kansas media widely covered a public opinion poll showing a majority of respondents supported budget-neutral expansion of Medicaid, or KanCare, but media…
Reporter Calls Out Brownback in Series of Tweets
A brief debate on Twitter shows a Topeka Capital-Journal reporter calling out Gov. Sam Brownback and his staff about consumption…
Wichita Eagle Lauds School Choice-Kind of
A Wichita Eagle reporter revealed soft support for school choice with a story earlier this week about how longer school…
Out of the Senate, Greg Smith Gets Back to His Real Life’s Work
Former Kansas State Senator Greg Smith launched his public career for a reason he would wish on no…
Legends Persists with Fake Frank Marshall Davis Bio: Here’s the Real Story
As the Sentinel reported on February 1, the Legends Outlets Kansas City chose to honor Frank Marshal Davis as…
Senate Republicans Reach Consensus on Tax Package? Not So Fast
The Kansas Senate Committee on Assessment and Taxation will hold a hearing next week on a proposal that would eliminate…
Kansas City on Pace to Pass 2016 Homicide Rate
The most serious problem that the city of Kansas City, Missouri, faces is one that its elected officials refuse to…
Legends Honors Communist Pornographer–And That’s Just the Half of It
Among the Kansas “legends” that the Legends Outlets Kansas City currently celebrates on its website is one Frank Marshall Davis.…
Convicted Serial Killer Gosnell Sent Hard Cases to Kansas
Unlikely bestseller, Gosnell: The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer, holds a surprise for those who still believe…
KC Seven Times More Lethal in 2016 than NYC
In its article on Kansas City homicides, “Half of 2016 KCMO homicides cleared or solved,” KSHB missed the larger story.…
Can New Star Editor Live Down Wikileaks Revelation?
The Kansas City Star has recently shaken up its editorial board. Management put out to pasture long time editorial writers…
Media Backed Into Covering KC Pro-Life Rally
Reporters and cameramen from virtually all the local television and radio stations descended on the Downtown Federal Courthouse to cover…
What Happened to MU’s Melissa “I Need Some Muscle” Click?
Academia can be a very forgiving place. A year ago the University of Missouri severed its relationship with infamous communications…
Why Did Star Slight Gay Hate Crime Story?
On January 22, KSHB-TV posted a story headlined, “Gay couple targeted with hate crime at south Kansas City home.” The…
KCMO to Taxpayers: Show Us the Money!
The Kansas City, Missouri City Council wants more taxpayer money, much more. Its members recently voted to put three measures…