January 21, 2025

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Cap-J Reporter Deems Tweets “Disparaging”

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Senate Republicans met in closed caucus last week where they discussed potential ways to address Kansas budget shortfall. Former Sen. Jeff Melcher, who did not attend the meeting, tweeted some of what was occurring during the meeting.

The Topeka Capital-Journal’s Tim Carpenter covered Melcher’s tweet storm, writing that Melcher tweeted a disparaging comment about Sen. John Skubal, the Senator who defeated Melcher in the Republican primary last August.

Melcher didn’t tweet anything “disparaging” about Skubal, however. Melcher tweeted that Sens. Skubal and Randall Hardy advocated for raising income taxes during the secret caucus meeting. Readers shouldn’t take Carpenter’s word for it. Twitter users can read the entire exchange on Melcher’s Twitter timeline and determine for themselves whether the tweets were “disparaging.”

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