July 16, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Author: Dave Trabert

Missouri needs the revenue-neutral Truth in Taxation Act

The Jackson County (Missouri) Assessor’s office is taking a lot of heat for property tax increases over the last several…

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SMSD used $4 million extra at-risk state aid to boost SPED cash reserves

The Kansas Legislature provides over $500 million of at-risk funding to deliver services to students at risk of academic failure.[i] …

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KSDE deceives school districts on efficiency and achievement

Imagine 100 students take a test where Johnnie gets a C and only four students had higher grades.  That puts…

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Education officials top the 2022 KPERS ‘millionaires’ list

Data provided by the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System shows Kansas has 3,778 KPERS ‘millionaires’ – state and local government…

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Districts continue to ignore the school needs assessment law

For the third consecutive year, a review of 25 school districts’ adherence to the school needs assessment law underscores why…

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Former Lansing school board member misleads community on revenue neutral

Former USD 469 Lansing school board member Beth Stevenson is telling the community that holding revenue neutral on local property…

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Prairie Village, other JoCo residents reject expensive taxpayer-funded community center

Prairie Village Mayor Eric Mikkelson and most City Council members are promoting a new taxpayer-funded community center that would replace…

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Kansas expands school choice / tax credit scholarship program in SB 113

Next year a lot more students will be eligible to participate in the tax credit scholarship program with Governor Kelly…

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KS Reflector columnist defends bureaucracy with false achievement claims

A guest columnist for the Kansas Reflector wants you to believe that the public school bureaucracy is producing high achievement,…

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KS Governor Laura Kelly vetos tax relief worth $244 million in SB 8

As if taking away $1.4 billion in tax relief from Kansans wasn’t bad enough, Governor Laura Kelly today vetoed Senate…

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Petty politics prevented $1.4 billion in tax relief in Kansas

Virtually every effort to provide state tax relief over the last ten years was met with the ‘Don’t Be Like…

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Employment falls in Laura Kelly’s tax-and-spend economy

The March jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows Governor Laura Kelly’s tax-and-spend economy lost 4,800 private-sector jobs…

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Flat tax in SB 169 is good for Kansas taxpayers

by Grover Norquist and Dave Trabert It was clear from the very beginning. Despite winning reelection on a message of…

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Gov. Kelly’s false claims in veto of income, property, and sales tax relief

It’s no secret that Kansas Governor Laura Kelly is a tax-and-spender — spending has jumped 31% since she took office…

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Kelly vetoes bills that protect women and children

If there was ever any doubt about Kansas Governor Laura Kelly being “middle of the road,” as she claimed in…

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Bi-partisan self-interest in politics destroys education opportunities

The struggle to get kids a decent education validates Thomas Sowell’s premise on the priorities of most politicians – their…

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Kansas Reflector gaslights readers on school funding, makes false accusations of legislators

A recent story about school funding in the Kansas Reflector reminded me of a quote by Winston Churchill – a…

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Kansas Legislature passes $1.4 billion tax relief bill in SB 169

Unless Governor Laura Kelly wields her veto pen on SB 169, Kansas taxpayers can look forward to $1.4 billion in…

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Change in median sales price distorts Johnson County valuations

Johnson County recently announced a 12% increase in residential property values for 2023, which officials say is justified because the…

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USD 489 Hays: no apparent written plan to improve low proficiency levels

The USD 489 Hays website says its mission is “to provide a quality learning experience for every student in every…

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Kansas Values Institute doesn’t value honesty

Kansas Values Institute, which says it promotes “traditional Kansas values,” must not think that Kansans value honesty. An email blast…

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Sunflower Education Equity Scholarship (SEES) costs estimated for SB 83

A revised cost estimate on the Sunflower Education Equity Scholarship (SEES) program now in House Substitute for SB 83 is…

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Kansas Reflector makes false claims on flat tax, ESAs

The Kansas City Star earlier this month deceived readers about education, and now the Kansas Reflector is making false claims…

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KC Star in the running for journalistic malpractice award

If there was an award for journalistic malpractice, the Kansas City Star would be a leading contender. The most recent…

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