October 5, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

FBI Analyst Slams Star Coverage of UMKC Rape

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Analyst appalled that local media refused to report than man accused of UMKC dorm rape is an illegal alien.

Frustrated by the failure of the local media to cover the rape of an unconscious co-ed in her UMKC dorm by an illegal alien, an FBI intelligence analyst reached out first to the Kansas City Star and then to Sentinel editors, the Sentinel being the only media outlet to tell the story in full.

Although he asked that we not use his name and the city in which his office is located, we did corroborate his credentials. As an intelligence analyst, he is not an agent with powers of arrest. His focus instead is on “intelligence,” and it was the failure of the media to share the intelligence on the alien in question, Juan Contreras, that caused the analyst to go public.

“Only one local affiliate (Fox4KC) mentioned Contreras’s ‘immigration status’ via its website, but failed to do it on the air,” said the analyst in an email. Before calling the Star, the analyst had checked with his contacts in DHS to confirm Contreras’s illegal status.

“I called the KC Star newspaper and spoke with reporter Glenn Rice who penned the original story in early March,” the analyst continued. “I did not tell him during our conversation that I was FBI, but instead asked him why the Star failed to mention any information regarding the immigration status of Contreras. He had no answer and I could tell he was getting more uncomfortable with our phone conversation by the minute.”

In the original story from March 1, 2017, Rice and fellow reporter Tony Rizzo identified the accused rapist only as “Juan D. Contreras, of Greeley, Colo.” Following suit, KSHB 41 and KCTV 5 each referred to Contreras  as a “Colorado man.”

“What I see here in KC is ‘watered down copy & paste garbage’ the station managers make sure is tethered to their broadcast networks in New York. In other words…they all toe the company line…or else.”

“Lastly,” said the analyst, “Glenn Rice wanted to know how I knew Contreras was an illegal alien…the bigger question is ‘why didn’t he know, or want to know.'”

In a follow-up phone conversation, the analyst was even more critical of Rice and the Star. “It was like talking to a ten-year-old,” said the analyst of his conversation with Rice. With the horrific Rockville, Maryland, incident in the news–at least on conservative sites–the analyst thought it all the more appalling that so many in the media “have no interest in actual reporting.”



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