Congressional Democratic candidate Sharice Davids shocked even her supporters with her last minute withdrawal from the Johnson County Bar Association Forum on October 3.
Davids had disappointed her supporters earlier with her inexplicable failure to show for the KCK Chamber Congressional Forum September 21.
Now incumbent Republican Congressman Kevin Yoder is calling on Davids to show for at least three debates, two before advanced voting begins by mail on October 17 and all three before advanced voting begins in person on October 22.

A newcomer to the political scene, Davids has been trying to sell herself largely on her “story”–native American, single mom, lesbian, boxer. There is a suspicion among many observers, including Democrats, that Davids will prove no more ready for the main stage than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the attractive New York City primary winner whose many gaffes make for an amusing Republican highlight reel.
The fear that Davids was unready for debate was triggered by her impromptu endorsement of the abolition of ICE during a radio show this summer, a position she has been unconvincingly walking back ever since.
Specifically, Yoder is calling on Davids to agree to a series of three previously-scheduled debates–one in each KS-3 county. According to the Yoder camp, each of these dates have been offered to Davids by the organization in question and agreed to by Yoder.
Kansas City Kansas Chamber Congressional Forum – October 12
Johnson County Public Policy Council – October 16
Louisburg & Spring Hill Chambers of Commerce – October 19
“If the Davids campaign is serious about actually debating the issues in this election,” says the Yoder campaign, “it will send its candidate to show up to these longstanding candidate forums that Democrats and Republicans alike have participated in for many years in this community.”
“According to historical trends,” the Yoder spokesman continues, “between one-third and half of all voters in this election will vote early. Both campaigns owe it to the voters to put the contrast on full display before Kansans head to the ballot box.”