October 25, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Trump Salutes Josh Hawley With Victory Tweet

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“Congratulations to Josh Hawley on your big Senate Primary win in Missouri. I look forward to working with you toward a big win in November. We need you in Washington!” President Trump tweeted Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley after his conclusive win on Tuesday.

Earlier on Tuesday Trump had tweeted, “Senator Claire McCaskill of the GREAT State of Missouri flew around in a luxurious private jet during her RV tour of the state. RV’s are not for her. People are really upset, so phony! Josh Hawley should win big, and has my full endorsement.”

Hawley followed up with some provocative tweets of his own. “Tonight the conservative people of Missouri have sent a clear message to the Washington establishment. The old ways will not do. The professional politicians have failed. And Claire McCaskill has to go,” said Hawley in one tweet.

McCaskill cannot beat Hawley in a debate. Although a shrewd politician, there is not much she really believes in.


“Tonight I challenge Claire McCaskill to a series of one-on-one debates all over Missouri. No moderator. No complicated rules. No TV studio. Just the two of us debating in the best traditions of our country on the back of a flat bed truck,” said Hawley in another.

Claire McCaskill was tweeting as well. She wrote, “Scraching my head. While reading from a teleprompter just challenged me to debate ….??? How about some town hall debates …no teleprompter or scripts written by DC political consultants.” McCaskill’s use of Twitter imagery is obviously better than her spelling.

McCaskill also tweeted, “It’s on. Let’s show how ready we are. Please give $10 so we can defeat Josh Hawley. The Dark Dirty Money is pouring in. How about some clean ??? Thank you!”

Needs money? Although we cannot vouch for its cleanliness, McCaskill has some $12 million in her campaign chest, roughly six times what Hawley has. That said, she considers herself the “underdog” and probably is.

What McCaskill cannot do is beat Hawley in a debate. Although a shrewd politician, there is not much she really believes in. And what she does believe in, most of the voters in Missouri do not.




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