Tag: school board members

KASB attempts to deceive legislators in the SB 47 fiscal note
Having a good BS detector is essential for serving in the Kansas Legislature, especially for interpreting fiscal notes that accompany…

Free legal hotline for Kansas school board members discussed by panel
Kansas school board members confronting legal issues in their positions now have access to a free hotline, courtesy of the…

School board members share ideas on improving student outcomes at 2nd annual KSBRC conference
With the goal of reversing the downward trend in K-12 proficiency levels, school board members and superintendents from across Kansas…

KSBRC to host the first in a monthly series of school board member training
The Kansas School Board Resource Center (KSBRC) will offer a free online training workshop for school board members on Wednesday,…

LVCO superintendents lobby legislators and try to exclude board members
A decision to leave local school board members off an invitation list for Leavenworth County superintendents to lobby state legislators…
Governing article suggests school board members add “lobbyist” to their skillsets
As school board campaigns head into the fall, the online newsletter Governing is offering candidates and incumbents a “How-To” in…

School board resource center offers unbiased information for board members
The Kansas School Board Resource Center, an information source for school board members and taxpayers, was introduced in Topeka before…