July 16, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Tag: civil asset forfeiture

Intense debate on asset forfeiture reforms in competing House, Senate bills

While civil libertarians and the law enforcement community debated the merits of asset forfeiture — the seizure of property and/or…

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Kansas lawmakers discuss reform of civil asset forfeiture law

Standards of proof required for civil asset forfeiture, the process through which a law enforcement agency may seize and take…

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Institute for Justice report cites abuses of civil asset forfeiture

The case of Richard Martinez, whose classic 1959 Corvette was seized by the Kansas Highway Patrol — which then spent…

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‘Innocent Owner’ finally gets his Corvette back from Kansas Highway Patrol

Richard Martinez will finally get his classic Corvette back — from the Kansas Highway Patrol. Martinez bought the 1959 Corvette…

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Civil asset forfeiture reform gaining ground in Kansas

Civil asset forfeiture, or civil forfeiture as it’s also known, is a process that allows law enforcement to confiscate private…

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