January 22, 2025

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Quick Facts on the Kansas Budget

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Kansas lawmakers hoisted a $1.2 billion tax increase on taxpayers last session, but they piled on new spending, too. The two-year budget lawmakers passed in 2017 leaves the budget out of balance by 2020.

Legislators won’t be tasked with adopting a budget during the 2018 legislative session that begins Jan. 8, but they’ll be forced to consider tax increases or budget cuts as they grapple with crafting a new school financing formula. The Kansas Supreme Court gave lawmakers an April deadline to create a constitutional school funding formula. Most court watchers believe doing so will require increasing funding for public schools. Here are a few quick facts about the Kansas budget.

Graph does not include $5 million in non-agency specific savings.

Where does the money go?

Lawmakers approved a $6.592 billion state general fund budget for FY 2018.

  • 63.2 percent of the budget, or a little more than $4.1 billion is directed to education, including K-12 and higher education;
  • 25.6 percent of the budget, or a little more than $1.6 billion, goes to human services;
  • 6 percent of the budget, or about $397 million, goes to public safety, like the Kansas Highway Patrol and state prisons;
  • 4.9 percent, or about $324 million, is directed to general government services;
  • .2 percent, about $15 million, is directed to agriculture and natural resources.
Total Revenue: $6.7 billion

Where does the money come from?

The tax plan lawmakers adopted is projected to bring in $6.7 billion in revenue to the state general fund. The state generates revenue through a variety of different taxes.

  • 38 percent of revenues, or approximately $2.9 billion, are derived from individual income taxes;
  • 44 percent of SGF revenues are generated from sales and compensating use taxes;
  • 5 percent of SGF revenues, or about $316 million, are generated through corporate and financial income taxes;
  • 2 percent, or about $135 million, is generated from tobacco taxes;
  • 11 percent of SGF revenues come from other taxes and fees.


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