March 15, 2025

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Purdue Prez Who Dissed MU to Speak at Kansas Chamber Dinner

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The Melissa Clicks of the world held no sway at Purdue.

What happened at the University of Missouri in November 2015 could have happened at any major university save perhaps one: Purdue, a state university in Indiana.

While the administrators at MU were busily capitulating to every absurd demand made of them–including the termination of their two top officials–Purdue University president and former Indiana governor Mitch Daniels was showing how grown-ups deal with petulant students. He told Purdue protestors he would listen to suggestions but not demands and had no interest in negotiating anything.

Purdue handled its problems, said Daniels, by being “steadfast in preserving academic freedom and individual liberty.” He added, “What a proud contrast to the environments that appear to prevail at places like Missouri and Yale.”

Daniels will be speaking on Tuesday, February 21, at the Kansas Chamber’s Annual Dinner in Topeka. Sponsored by Spirit AeroSystems, the event will be held at the Kansas Expocentre.


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