January 21, 2025

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Poor People’s Campaign Presents “Demands” at Kansas State Capitol

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From the photos it would appear that the people in the soi-disant Kansas “Poor People’s Campaign” are anything but poor and, unlike the participants in Martin Luther King’s original campaign, anything but black.

The participants in the revived Poor People’s Campaign look nothing like the originals.

Rather, the campaign seems to draw from the same pool of young middle class activists and aging middle class hippies who have time enough on their hand to show up routinely for protests that have no chance of accomplishing anything.

Barring the unforeseen, the group will have gathered at 2 p.m. at the State Capitol Building in Topeka and will carry signs bearing such weary bromides as “Money for Veterans, not for War,” and “Build Schools, Not Walls.”

The Kansas Poor People’s Campaign is entering its third week of protests. Virtually identical protests are taking place across America. To date, the media are mum on who is orchestrating and/or funding this textbook bit of astro turfing.

The group’s national web site is no more helpful. The first selection under the “About Us” rubric is “Demands.” The list of demands is varied and nearly endless. Curiously, however, they are largely compatible with the national Democratic agenda. Some examples:

  • We demand statehood, voting rights and representation for the more than 690,000 people in Washington D.C.
  • We demand a ban on fracking, mountaintop removal coal mining, coal ash ponds, and offshore drilling. We demand a ban on all new pipelines, refineries, and coal, oil, and gas export terminals.
  • We demand an end to military aggression and war-mongering.
  • We demand fully-funded welfare programs for the poor and an end to the attacks on SNAP, HEAP, and other vital programs for the poor.
  • We demand relief from crushing household, student, and consumer debt. We declare Jubilee.
  • We demand particular attention be paid to data concerning First Nations, Native Americans, Alaskan Native, LGBTQIA and disabled people regarding poverty.

From reading this last demand, the uninitiated might think that LGBTQIA is a heretofore unknown Indian tribe. It is not. As to “Jubilee,” that is woke-speak for a collective welsh on debts. In general, it would seem that the campaigners hope to turn America into Venezuela.

Like all mainstream media outlets, the Topeka Capital-Journal reports on this subversive silliness with a straight face.





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