January 21, 2025

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Planned Parenthood Plans Bus Trip to Palco

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Palco, Kansas, may be about to see a tourist boom, courtesy of Planned Parenthood Great Plains. The abortion provider is rallying the troops for a road trip to see Sen. Jerry Moran.

Planned Parenthood Great Plains Votes plans to bus hundreds to a Sen. Jerry Moran town hall in Palco on July 6.

Moran is scheduled to host a town hall meeting in Palco on July 6. According to its Facebook page, the abortion provider will bus protesters from Johnson County and Lawrence to the Moran event in northwestern Kansas. Planned Parenthood’s Facebook page says the group intends to bus hundreds to the meeting.

It won’t be the first time a town hall meeting with a federal office holder coincided with a tourist boom in rural Kansas. When Congressman Roger Marshall hosted a town hall meeting in Wamego on May 10, attendees noted a downtown filled with cars bearing license plates from Texas, Tennessee, Minnesota, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Missouri, New Mexico, and Maine.

Media, of course, didn’t report uptick in out-of-town visitors at the time. It will be interesting to see if media mentions a bus load of pro-abortion activists at the Moran event on July 6.

Abortion advocates joined MoveOn.org activists and Indivisible KC protesters recently visited Moran’s Olathe office to demand he vote against a health care bill in the U.S. Senate. Leadership postponed a vote on a bill to make changes to Obamacare, prior to the July 4 recess.



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