October 25, 2024

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

KC “Progressive Youth Organization” Savages UMKC Over Alleged Sexual Assault

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The Kansas City Progressive Youth Organization (PYO) is taking no prisoners in its war with UMKC, not just with the administration but with its “lapdog” student organizations. The chosen battleground is sexual.

For the past several years, the UMKC administration, the student-run University News, and various feminist student groups have been raising alarms and awareness about sexual assault on campus, often at hysterical pitch. For the Progressive Youth Organization, it has not been hysterical enough, what with the administration and the University News insisting on some modicum of due process for the accused.

The progressive youth want none of that. The PYO website links to the works of China’s lethal Chairman Mao who declared, among other things, “Liberalism rejects ideological struggle and stands for unprincipled peace, thus giving rise to a decadent, Philistine attitude and bringing about political degeneration in certain units and individuals in the Party and the revolutionary organizations.” If these guys don’t play hardball, they certainly talk it.

Kansas City’s progressive youth proudly turn to Chairman Mao for inspiration.

On Thursday, January 18, the PYO handed out flyers on campus naming and showing the photos of two “student athletes” who, the PYO insists, “attempted to rape another UMKC student at a party on November 10, 2017.”

“To the horror of most students who received our flyers (especially women),” says the PYO, “these two men are still on campus and allowed in the dorms and at events. In response to this action, the Interim Chancellor/Provost/Professor of Management/PhD in Rape Apology, Barbara A. Bichelmeyer sent out an email the next day stuffed to the brim with excuses for the rapists & the university’s inaction.”

The accused students are both from Spain. One plays tennis, one soccer. They do not fit the imagined profile of a “student athlete.” Both are relatively small and slight. The letter in question from Bichelmeyer would strike anyone other than a progressive of Maoist stripe as reasonable. As Bichelmeyer notes, the incident took place off-campus, and the Kansas City police investigated and chose not to press charges. The flyer distributed by the PYO, adds Bichelmeyer, “defames and libels the individuals questioned as suspects.”

UMKC is doing a Title IX investigation of its own. “I believe that it is vital that we, as a university community, rely on facts rather than rumor or innuendo in our conversations about important topics.”

Say the revolutionary youth of the PYO in return, “What pathetic liberalism it is to say one thing and to do another!”

Hat tip to Tony’s Kansas City.

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