March 15, 2025

Keeping Media and Government Accountable.

Kansas Dems Blast DOE-Bound Betsy

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Teacher unions fear that school choice could erode their power.

Fearing perhaps the erosion of the pubic school monopoly that keeps them in office, dozens of Democrats in the Kansas House and Senate blasted Donald Trump’s selection of Betsy DeVos for the position of education secretary.

“Not only are Betsy DeVos’ ideals antithetical to the American education system,” wrote the Dems in a letter to Republican senators Jerry Moran and Pat Roberts, “her actions have directly attacked it. DeVos has dedicated her life and career to dismantling the public school system.” No one expected Roberts or Moran to pay the letter much attention.

DeVos said, “because Michigan has so many families, particularly in our state’s large, urban school districts, who are desperate for better educational options, and because our state constitution has some of the most restrictive language limiting educational choice in the country.”

It should be noted that the nation’s largest teachers union, the National Educational Association, spent more than $5.4 million in independent expenditures supporting Democrats during the 2016 election cycle. That same group spent $268 supporting Republicans.

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