An interactive tax calculator on the Kansas Department of Revenue’s website shows visitors how much more they can expect to pay in taxes this year.

On the site, users input their tax filing status, allowances and adjusted income. The calculator estimates the users’ Kansas tax liability, showing what the user likely paid in Kansas taxes under the old law and what the user can expect to pay under the new tax law.
Kansas lawmakers passed a $1.2 billion tax increase at the end of the 2017. The hike increased income tax rates for Kansans who earn more than $5,000. Because it’s retroactive to the first of the year, employers likely weren’t withholding enough from paychecks between January and June for Kansans to meet their tax obligations. This means some Kansans may need to write a check to the state of Kansas when submitting their taxes next year.
Secretary of Revenue Sam Williams said the calculator is a tool that provides an estimate.
“It’s not for tax preparation, and because individual tax liabilities are so dependent on specific details, it’s more than likely it won’t predict the exact amount that will be owed,” Williams said. “But it’s a valuable resource to gain an idea of the changes in tax liability.”
According to a press release, department of revenue officials recommend Kansans speak with a tax professional to determine their exact tax liability under the new law.
About a third of the tax increase will be used to increase public school funding. After passing the increase, lawmakers passed a two-year budget that defers public pension funding and sweeps money from the highway fund. Officials project a negative ending balance in state revenue within three years.
In addition to the 2017 retroactive tax increase, lawmakers also passed a tax increase for 2018. The revenue department’s tax calculator will be updated in 2018 to reflect the next year’s increase.