The Veterans Community Project (VCP) invites the public to join them on March 30 at 10 a.m. for the grand opening of the new Veteran Outreach Center located at 8900 Troost.
The VCP is a 501(c)(3) Missouri nonprofit corporation founded by Kansas City veterans frustrated by the rampant homelessness throughout the veteran community. The VCP describes itself as a “team of connectors, feelers and doers on a mission to help our kin, our kind.”
Among the VCP’s more innovative projects is Veterans Village, a specialized community of tiny-homes and onsite services that, when completed, will provide housing stability and a range of long term services for the chronically homeless. When ready, the veteran will transition to other, existing programs. In the interim, Veteran’s Village will provide the veteran with a sense of community as well as genuine support.
To learn more, the public is invited to tour the facilities on March 30 or tour the VCP website any time.