Americans want lower taxes, according to a Gallup.
Pollsters conducted the poll in March asking how Americans viewed a proposal to significantly cut federal income taxes for the middle class. More than 60 percent agreed with the proposal. Only 26 percent disagreed, and 13 percent had no opinion.

Recent polls in Kansas suggest Sunflower State voters aren’t fans of high taxes either. A bi-annual Fort Hays State University poll conducted in April found that 41 percent of Kansans prefered that the Kansas Legislature cut spending rather than increase taxes to balance its budget. Another 35 percent suggested the state use a combination of spending cuts and tax increases. Only 23 percent preferred tax increases alone to balance the budget–the solution Kansas lawmakers chose.
It remains to be seen whether the U.S. Congress will take up some of President Trump’s suggestions to seen. The President said he hopes Congress will take up tax reform before the end of 2017.